Sunday, April 12, 2009

New vacation pics

Sorry its taken me so long to post. We are having so much fun at Disneyland I just haven't had time. Here's some pics at the beach.
Coloring Easter eggs at our cousins house in Simi Valley.

The best part of the trip so far, meeting miss Zoey and her family. Let me tell you, she is so much cuter in real life. So was blowing kisses to us left and right, and she loved Jax. She kept trying to grab him. The funny thing is, they could be twins. They are the same size, same hair color, and same cute little tongues.

The mommies and the warrior babies. I will post the Disneyland pics tomorrow. Thanks Heather for the great visit and sharing that sweetheart with us.


Trina and Jophie said...

Fun Fun! Looks like you guys are having a great time! Enjoy the rest of your vacation :0)

Trina and Jophie

Heather said...

My pleasure and I should be thanking you.I just loved spending time with you and Ray.I only wish we had had more time.My camera was not working well for some reason so I could only get that one picture.I will need to get copies from you if I could.Enjoy every moment left of your trip.Safe travels and we will talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys are having a good all the photos...the beach, the water, miss zoey and Heather...what a wonderful adventure for your family. Enjoy your time at DisneyLand and safe travels home!

The VW's said...

I love the pictures of Jax and Zoey!!! How wonderful that you were able to meet in person! Hope your trip continues to be lots of fun!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute!!!!

ch said...


That is TOO much cute in one location! I could just spread them on a cracker. What fun!

Melissa said...

What adorable pictures! To see Jax & Zoey together brought such a sweet smile to my face...WHAT JOY!!!

So glad that you had a great visit;)

Kristen's mom said...

What a fun trip! Jaxon and Zoey are the cutest! We have already decided that as soon as Kristen is up to it we are definately going to Disneyland.