Monday, April 13, 2009

Disneyland pics!!

Here's a couple of the boys swimming at our hotel, the Disneyland hotel.

Riding Small World.

Me, Carter, and daddy on Matterhorn. Carter's my only brave one that will go on the roller coasters.

Haven't seen a lot of characters around. But soon I will post pics from our dinner at Goofys Kitchen. Lots of characters there.


Junior said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time, great pictures.

Hope said...

Looks like a great time. I'd love to take my kiddos there, it looks so fun:)

The VW's said...

Looks SO fun!!! I am SO jealous! Especially seeing that warm weather! Keep having tons of fun!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely beautiful there!!!! I want to come!!! :0)

p.s. I love your shirts, where did you get them??? I WANT ONE!!!!! :0)

Melissa said...

MAN, I'm so jealous!! I'm sooo happy for you guys..YOU DESERVED THIS SO MUCH!!!

YAY for having such fun;)

Kim Rees said...

I'm soooo jeolous! You guys obviously had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all having so much fun. We just told the boys about our trip for next month...they were so excited, but I still think they are not quite sure what's in store...cannot wait! Be safe and have fun fun fun!

Becky said...

SO CUTE! I'm glad that you had a great time. Lots of memories made.