I hope everyone is well, I haven't had a chance to check on our friends!
Jax finally got up to a room and settled around 10 last night. I called up this morning, to find he had one of my favorite nurses. The trach/vent pod is on my old unit, so I know most nurses well. I took my time getting up there, to get some stuff done. I saw the attending as soon as I got there. I realized he is one that I don't like at all. He is very stubborn and doesn't listen to me at all. We don't work well together because of this. He said he looked better, which is interesting because he didn't see him yesterday! When I was there with him for a minute and really checked him out, I think he looks a bit worse. He's been running fevers today, and he's definitely breathing harder. His oxygen need isn't horribly high right now, but I keep trying to explain to them that he doesn't do the typical respiratory distress signs. He is a super shallow breather because of his severe hypotonia. So he usually doesn't breathe super fast, he just stops!
I called my ped, praying that she was back in cell phone range. Luckily she was, and she agreed that he probably needed a blood gas checked and another chest x ray. She said the aspiration wouldn't show up until today anyway, so they needed to recheck it. She was going to call up and talk to the attending. He won't be too happy that she meddled, but she knows him best, and she's who I want taking charge!!
So we'll see what happens, to be continued........
4 weeks ago
I think it's better to have one person who knows Jax well head his care and fight for him! The attending can stuff it so long as your sweet boy is getting what he needs.
Thinking of you all and praying for a quick recovery for Jax!
Praying he gets the care he needs and you get some rest.
Praying, praying! Come on super Jax!
I bet it will be hard finding a new Ped in California, who is as great as your current one! She sounds awesome! Hope the docs can work well together and listen to the Momma too! Keep us updated! I'll be thinking of you guys, and praying too! Hugs!!!
Poor Jax, I hope you feel better soon!
I finally got caught up on all your blog posts. I hope Jax improves soon and that you can go home soon!
oh my goodness Lacey. When you can't count on 911 and you can't count on the attending, thank goodness you have a strong pedi!
Praying for your sweet guy!
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