Good and bad news on the Jaxson front. Respiratory-wise he is doing much better. The IV antibiotics are clearing up his aspiration, and he is back to baseline oxygen. Although still breathing harder and his sats are very sensitive when oxygen falls off or he gets mad! But much better than two days ago when we kept him on the vent all day to give his lungs a rest.
The bad news, feeding is going backwards instead of forewards. Yesterday we had to turn off his continuous formula feeds and restart pedialyte. His belly was up 10 cm, and he was super restless. He just kind of layed there all day, and his color is absolutely horrid!
I called my pediatrician last night, and left her a message to call me today. We could be here for weeks waiting to get him on regular feeds again. I need a plan, I need to know what she is comfortable with handling outside the hospital. I need all this done before the weekend comes.
My realtor called the other day and said the buyers are ready to close whenever we are. I panicked just a wee bit! For the last 5 days I have done nothing in regards to moving. Not a thing. I still don't have a pediatrician there. And when I get there with some names, I still need to interview them to see if they will work for us or not.
Ok, I feel better now!
3 days ago
that is how i was....i did nothing as far as finding doctors or therapy for rachel until i moved, there was just so much to do before that and my brain could only take on so much. once you move, you'll be able to shift focus and get that stuff done!
Thinking of you and Jax! Hugs!
I've been thinking about you guys...thanks for updating...
Hugs...sending good vibes
We're praying for you and Jax.
Those pics of Jax are heart-breaking, and yet, so sweet! He is such an angel! Praying he gets well very soon, and home again!
Praying for your peace of mind too Lacey! Love and Hugs!!!
Just a little more stress for you. Better hire a moving company (cause you're made of money, right? haha). Praying Jax is not up there for weeks!
Sending love and kisses to our little boyfriend.Hoping home comes soon my friends.
Wish I could help you with your move. :-( One thing at a time, Lacey - it'll get done. You are Super Woman!!!! ((hugs))
Sending prayers.
wow girl you have your hands full! poor little guy! I hope you get a plan and find a way to get it all done! praying things get better for Jax soon so you can get your move finished!
I wish the blog community could all magically appear at your house and make it happen so you don't even have to worry about it. Ugh. I'm sorry Lacey! I hope the pedi has a plan and you can get things moving in the way they need to move. Thinking of you guys always! And even sick Jaxon is one handsome guy <3
So sad to see him cooped up in that dang hospital bed. I'm praying that he will get better and back to himself soon so you guys can get to California. (Even though I don't want you to leave) Thats great that your house is really going to sell!
oh are making me so sad. Please get better soon!
Get better soon Jaxson!!! Praying for the Angels to wrap their wings around you and give you comfort when you are not feeling well. "Lord, please place your healing hands over this sweet boy". Thinking of you all and praying 24/7 for calm in your lives.
Lots of love and best wishes xxx
p.s I follow the blog (by following friend's blogs) but don't usually comment...
Sam from the U.K xxx
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