No, these prayers aren't for Jax, but their equally as important!
Jax buddy Gabe needs prayers. Him and Jax are little twins, different problems continually put them in the same situations....sick! Gabe has spent long days extremely sick in the PICU like Jax. So many of his pictures are the same pictures we have.
His mommy was supposed to send me a picture of Gabe with his blankie. He is the first child to get a blankie since I started back making them after the adoption.
He went in for a simple surgery today, had major complications, and now is paralyzed and in a medical coma so he doesn't move his little airway.So instead of a smiley Gabe picture with his blankie, its one of a very sedated, sick little boy. And while that's what the blankies are for, to comfort, I still hate to see these situations!
Please keep this little man in your thoughts in the coming days as he recovers!!
1 day ago
I will keep him in my thoughts.
Oh my gosh Lacey, look at that sweet face. I am heading to bed in a bit and will put Gabe in the forefront of my prayers.Will watch for updates.
Oh my gosh Lacey... I just went over and visited Gabe ... I had "met" his family quite awhile ago and somehow never found my way back.I remember thinking ... another one of our sweet babies that can't seem to catch a break!Sweet boy.
I will send you a smilely one as soon as I can. I knew I should of taken it at home, Ugh. Thanks for your support Lacey.
I will keep Gabe in my prayers. Please update us when you can.
poor little guy. :(
Prayers being said for the little bugger
I'll be praying for this sweet boy!
Praying for Gabe.
Will definitely hold Gabe and his family in prayer!
Brave boy! Of course we'll pray for him!
sweet boy. i hate complications. Will send prayers.
What a cutie. I will be praying for him for sure!
In my thoughts!!!!
Saying a prayer for him.
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