After our tornado princess's day of chaos, I thought maybe if we give her a job, keep her busy, she wouldn't be so destructive!
Since her big brother is so much work, we thought we'd give her a Jaxson job.
At first we thought she could do Jax meds. She was excited about this at first, I mean those bottles are super fun to bang together...But then she thought about the responsibility of making sure Jax got over 20 meds a day. Some life-threatening if given wrong, and she didn't think she was ready for that big of a job yet!
Then we gave her a go at getting Jax feeds, another fun bottle to shake.
But those fine motor skills aren't quite ready to get that tubing primed!
In the end, she found her job, and the one she's been best at all along!
Keeping her big brother busy, and making sure he gets plenty of kisses a day.She is very serious about her job. After all, its a big responsibility!
But so far its keeping this tornado out of trouble!
1 day ago
That is too cute! I love his little face looking at her, he sure loves her!
Lacey, those two are a match made in heaven, what a sweet sweet relationship and because of the unselfishness of you and your husband you made it all possible. I am always so amazed at families that have a biological baby with down syndrome and then adopt another one. Thank goodness God put people like you on the earth.
Made me cry!! Whatta ya doin!started out laughing and ... gosh that last pic, look at Jax face. God made Arina for Jax.
I LOVE the last pic of Jax looking up at her...such love in those little eyes for his sister! Beautiful kids xxx
I LOVE the picture of the two of them. Jaxson's face says everything!
happy pics!!
Those pics are so adorable! Your kids are too cute!
Oooh, I just love, love, love, love those two!!!!! Adorable post! LOL, she's quite the beautiful little tornado!!
Perfect job! Super cute!
Hi, I've never posted before. A friend of mine follows your blog, and I have been reading it for a while. Your children are so beautiful and full of love. What a blessing they must be. I can't imagine how hard it is to take care of their needs, but wow, they are just gorgeous kids.
Jax and Arina are quite a pair! The love between them is just amazing.
That last pictures is gorgeous! The way Jax looks at her!
They may not be blood related. BUt that last picture shows that they are a match made in Heaven.
OMG look at those two. Jax's smile says it all. They are priceless!!
I have to agree....Arina and Jax are a match made in heaven....pure love. Your family has its ups and downs, but in the love have more than many people.
Oh, this is so very cute!
She is so cute and I love how you told the story about her. That last picture is really priceless. She's got puckered lips and Jaxson is looking up at her! Precious!
Oh so glad I checked in on my blogging friends today. What a shame if I would've missed THAT photo!!!!!!!
Love the last picture!!! Jaxson´s smile is priceless!!!
Veronica Garcia
Seriously the cutest thing ever!!! I'd hire her to take care of Gavin anyday! And, that smile on Jaxson's face.....what a sight! Hugs!!!
What can I add that everyone else hasn't already said...but I do really love that last picture. He looks like he's feeling better!!!
Lacey, I just MELTED! That last photo, of him smiling up at her? MELTS ME!!! Oh man. She was so definitely meant to be part of your family!
sooooooo cute! :)
That last picture, his smile... that one killed me!!So precious.
That last picture of the two of them together is priceless!
Ahhhh, Adorable, I love it!!!
Hope you are able to get some stuff done!!
I absolutely LOVE the last picture of the two of them!! The look on Jax's face - such LOVE!!! Priceless!!
I love it, so adorable!
oh the cuteness! That last shot is priceless :)
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