Thursday, January 21, 2010

Home study

Jaxson trying out his new babylegs!

My little frog boy!

Tomorrow we are having our home study! So today will be spent running to get my birth certificate, two fire extinquishers, and frantically cleaning the house. To top it off, we got a ton of snow last night, and its still snowing! Oh how I want out of Utah, I'm tired of yucky snow. So my guess is that my nurse will call and say he can't make it through the snow, Ugh, I really need him today!

I know I have no reason to be nervous, but man I am. I had a few minutes of calm in bed last night, thinking that the lady will love us. I don't know how quick it will go after that. I want to get the home study faxed to the case worker now! I want to find out if they will give us this baby girl. Oh the wait is maddening! I can tell you what little I know of the baby, and this is from before Christmas. She was a 24 week preemie, twin. She supposidly doesn't have all of her brain, but she eats by mouth, tracks and prefers certain people, and makes baby babble. Oh and reaches for toys. All this at an adjusted age of 5 weeks! She was 5 months before Christmas, and only weighed 7 lbs. I was also told that her fontanel has already closed so her skull won't grow with her body. But I know that can be surgically fixed. She also has cerebral palsy. I just want to get my hands on her and her medical records. The case workers have no medical background and just don't know what their saying. Hopefully we can meet her next week! So just pray that we stay calm and don't say anything stupid tomorrow!

Also, I talked to my ped about the ok sleep study and the fact that he still wakes up so much. She wants me to take him back to his rehab doctor. She said that sometimes brain injury kids don't sleep great, spasms or other things, and this doctor might have some good things to try. Also I wanted to look into getting his cecostomy out. We didn't know if it would work in the first place, but with the trach and all the air that he swallows, I haven't even used it. And since stool can leak out its always red and irritated. But they just told me it has to be surgically removed. Ugh, I didn't know that. Didn't I say in my New Years resolution that I wanted less surgeries this year? And its only January! We'll make an appointment with the surgeon and discuss what would be best!


Stephanie said...

Lovin the new baby legs! :)We are sending you good vibes, prayers & everything else for your homestudy and quick resolution to the wait for your sweet baby girl. :) Big Hugs!

Steph and Christopher

ch said...

Don't sweat the home study. They want you to be approved as much as YOU do. They're looking for all the evidence that supports their desire to place a baby in a loving home and you'll clearly bombard them with it. Can't wait to celebrate with you when the time comes...and it soon will!

Rochelle said...

Praying for peace for you and a great home study tomorrow. They will love you. All in God's plan and God's timing!
She is going to love being in your home with all those brothers to surround her with love.
Love Jax's new baby legs. So cute.

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

ADORABLE baby legs!!! thinking about you with your home study coming up :)

Christine said...

love the baby legs! Good luck with your home study, I am sure all will be fine. I really hope you get your little girl! Can't wait to hear more.

Barrow said...

You amaze me! I hope that all goes well with the home study. They would be idiots not to give you this sweet little angel. And speaking of angels, I just want to come give Jax the biggest hug and kiss. He is so stinkin' cute!!! Good luck!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

So much to do Lacey! I wish I lived near you, I would love to come help you get ready, and keep Jaxson occupied. Oh wait, I don't want to live in the snow so .. I wish YOU lived near ME! :)

I am sure the home study will go just fine. I cannot wait to hear more about the baby girl. Such a tiny precious being, just waiting for love!!

I'm sorry to hear that Jaxson would need surgey to get rid of the ceceostomy. That sucks. I wish it was working better for him.

Colleen said...

He is just too cute in those baby legs! I will pray that the home study goes smoothly for you.

Tausha said...

Love the baby legs, they are so cool. You will do just fine with the home study.

Corinne Judy Smith said...

I didn't realize the baby girl is so young! I'm really excited for you and sending good luck vibes for your home study tomorrow. I'm sure she will just love you guys.

The VW's said...

I'm loving Jax and his frog legs! What a cutie!

Praying the homestudy goes well! I'm sure that it will! Hopefully you can get a great night's rest!

Take some deep breaths...everything will go fine! This little girl sounds amazing! Did I mention how jealous I am?! :) Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Me said...

I'm sure your homestudy will go great tomorrow. And why would they not give you this baby...she deserves a loving & dedicated family like yours.

Alison said...

Good luck with the home study - I'm sure you'll be great. It would definitely be good to find out what actually is going on with baby girl - 5 weeks corrected is way too young to diagnose do they know for sure?

Good luck!

Kristin said...

Good luck tomorrow! Love the new baby legs :)

Shelly Turpin said...

Everyone told us to be calm and not worry about the home study and we cleaned and panicked. Really, she just wants to get enough info about y'all to write the report and make sure you aren't mean wicked people - which you aren't.

I am so excited to see a picture of you holding Star!

Unknown said...

Love the baby legs! He looks so comfy sitting froggy style. Carly used to do that. It always amazed met that she could be so flexible.

I'm willing to bet..if I was a betting type of person..that you'll sail right through that home study. Who in their right mind wouldn't agree that sweet baby girl belongs in your home?! We all know she does. Good luck tomorrow!

Tina said...

Good luck with the home study I am sure the case workers will see exactly what they are looking for in a home for this precious little girl. She couldn't ask for a more loving mommy that's for sure!
You have so much ahead, stay calm and be brave. Sorry to hear that Jax might need another surgery, god it's hard to imagine what this precious little boy of yours has had to go through already, but if its needed and will be for his best I guess it's not a choice.
I love the baby legs, love how he looks all comfy and snug in them. Hugs to your little fighter....and prayers always

Anonymous said...

Love the new baby legs too! Good luck for the home study, you have nothing to worry about, just be yourself and they will love you! Good luck with getting more clarity on your precious baby girl!

Alan Anderson said...

Good luck on your home study in the morning - don't worry you will do great! You are a great family! I got your message but we were at the ENT when you called. I will give you a call tomorrow and see if we can catch up to you sometime! Again good luck - we are praying!!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Today is your home study, and I woke up thinking about you and Jax. I am sure it will go fine, I can't wait to hear your update!! :)