Sunday, January 31, 2010

PICU update

I was able to get a good nights sleep last night, yeah! No phone calls in the middle of the night! When I got there he was a little agitated. I held him in the rocker, and I noticed that his color wasn't beautiful, and his sats were in the 80's on 75% oxygen. So I mentioned it to the nurse and she had respiratory come up and bag and suction him, and called the resident. The bag and suction brought his sats up a touch, but not a lot. The chief resident also came up. Both said he needed PICU. The PICU team said they weren't going to come up and look at him, just to bring him down. They put him on the ventilator, and he immediately began to breath easier. They've stopped feeds and started fluids, which worries me a little because when he's on fluids he always retains it in his lungs, so it may not help the breathing much. I left soon after he was settled because we had motorcross tickets and I wasn't going to make the other boys suffer. When I got back she told me he had an episode where he dropped his sats into the 40's and she had to bag him for 4 to 5 minutes to get him back up. And he was really agitated so now he's sedated. Hopefully he can stay where he is. If he starts needing other lines and things then it may get nasty!

Oh and some people wanted my email, its
Oh, oh, also a couple of people asked about going in a firetruck instead of an ambulance. Our fire department close to us has a transport firetruck. Its longer and has a bed in it. Jax has been in it a couple of times!


My Three Sons said...

Thanks for the update. I'm going to keep praying for my little guy. I hope the sedation helps keep him relaxed and he can keep his sats up.

Stephanie said...

sending prayers sweetheart.

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for the update!!! Still PRAYING for sweet Jax! Hang in there Momma xoxo

Tyler and Carolyn said...

We are praying for Jaxson!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

I don't read your blog for 2 days and look what happens! Poor Jax! And poor Mom and Dad! Hang in there guys.

Jessica said...

HUGE CYBER HUGS TO YOU & JAX! thank you for updating your blog!

heather said...

It all sounds so familiar from our last week in the PICU with Morgan for her pneumonia. Sending you lots of love and prayers for a speedy recovery. Big hugs!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Oh dear! I've not read in a few days...and I'm so sorry your babe is soooo sick. Prayers for you all.

Alicia said...

Wow, thanks for updating. All I can say right now is I am praying very hard for your little man. I am so sorry he is so sick.

Hugs and prayers.

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Oh the little stinker. It is best he be in PICU right now. They of course understand the trach and are better prepared for whatever comes down the pike. Praying for a peaceful day or two as they get this under control.

Tina said...

Sending prayers and love and staying very positive, Jax hasn't left my thoughts in the last days, I even got up middle of the night (thanks to our time difference) to check. I know there will be good news soon. I am praying very hard and so are others. Come on Jax keep fighting

Denise said...

Why do you think I put on my thankful sunday post that you are a great can always look ahead and be positive!! We, too, can't stop thinking about Jax. Joe was in here checking things out with me in blogland and said "poor little guy"

Anonymous said...

Oh Lacey, I have just logged on after the weekend and had no idea Jaxson was in hospital, so sorry to hear, Im happy that he is getting the best care possible in PICU and that you got some rest! I am praying for a speedy recovery from little Jaxson and that you will soon all be on your way home! God bless, Megan and Keaton

Heather said...

Hey friend.Hope you got my message.You guys have been in my thoughts and on my heart all day.Sweet Jax .. knowing that the PICU is so not the favorite place to be but knowing,for now,it's just where he's got to be.Love you.Hope to talk to you tomorrow.

Deqlan said...


Me said...

I'm so sorry things are so tough for him right now. Hang in there! Thinking of you guys.

The VW's said...

Poor little man! He definitely doesn't look like himself in that picture!

Glad you were able to get good sleep and get away for awhile! I always feel more comfortable when Gavin is in the even though that means Jax is not doing well, at least he will get better care!

Gavin always breathes worse when he is on IV fluids too. This is usually what earns him a stay in the PICU instead of the floor from the E.R., because they always start fluids in the E.R., even though I tell them that he doesn't handle the fluids well!

I'll be hoping, praying and thinking of you guys often! HUGS!!!

Shelly Turpin said...

oh Lacey and Jax

Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet, Jax......I pray the sedation will help your body to relax and get well quickly.....and that you return home soon.

Luv ya buddy!!

Evie's Story said...

Know he is in wonderful hands inPICU and carried always inthe hands of the Lord Jesus. Praying for good news and healing for his poor tired body. And much strength for you Lacey!

Rochelle said...

More prayers for you all....keep those updates coming!

Anonymous said...


Shelly Turpin said...

thinking of y'all and checking and checkng

Paige said...

I am new to your blog and wanted to let you know that I am praying for Jax and your family.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Lacey and Jaxson. I"m here for you working to send out positive vibes and mojo and hoping and praying that he's doing better soon.

Cammie Heflin said...

I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about him! So I said a prayer and felt better, I'm glad he's in PICU, closer care!

Brady and Madi said...

I totally love the picture of the foot hanging out :)hope he gets better!