Friday, January 8, 2010

A little better

Well I didn't get as much sleep as I'd hoped, but it was definitely a better night. I took two melatonin, and still didn't fall asleep until after midnight. At least when I did hear Jax, I didn't fly out of bed forgetting a nurse was there. I'm thinking I may need to take a sleep aid, I just don't know what to take thats not addicting.

I was thinking of have some raffles to raise money for our adoption. I'm not going to do a whole adoption blog, I just don't have time for that. Plus I don't have a face to raise money for like Reeces Rainbow. But I do think fundraising is a great idea to help fund adoptions. If anyone has anything to donate to raffle, that would be great. I think I'm also going to raffle some blankets, they are always a favorite. Also, as I said before I'm a complete computer nerd, so anyone who knows how to post something at the top that will stay there for a while, please let me know also!

Speaking of blankies, here are a couple of rememberance blankies. I'm posting these because I have faces to put behind names. This first blankie is for a friend of mine that I've never met in person. Her little boy had DS, and he passed away from the same clotting disorder that Jax has. We've talked many times, and she always has great advice for me.

This sweet baby's story just breaks my heart. Jayce had multiple heart defects, and spent his short life never off the ventilator. But he touched so many lives while he was here!


Anonymous said...

You are awesome! I just love ya! I will start thinking about stuff for the raffle! Good chatting with ya the other night! xo

Loren Stow said...

I hope you're sleeping better? A month of sleepless nights has gotta be tough (I had 5 nights and almost lost my will to live... LOL!).
I LOVE the new blog look BTW!!

The VW's said...

Glad you got a little more sleep! hopefully it will get better once you are used to having a night nurse and hopefully you can KEEP a night nurse!

What precious children that those blankies went to! It breaks my heart though!

Hope the fundraising goes well for adoption! Sounds like a great idea!

Stephanie said...

Lacey your remembrance blankets always get to me.
Your blog looks Fabulous!!! Just beautiful.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

The blog is beautiful. The blankets are beautiful. You are a truly beautiful person.

MoonNStarMommy said...

Sleep is always good. I love the blankets you are making, they are BEAUTIFUL and very thoughtful. They would be a wonderful thing to raffle off. If you have a paypal account, you could always put up a paypal donations button. I have to figure out how to put one up because we have to raise money to get to a conference this summer. Just a thought! Btw, I'm a new follower and I've added Jaxson's button to our Unique Flowers blog, it's where I keep updates on our kids medical issues. I was told my (almost) 8 year old wouldn't survive through pregnancy, he was born with a rare genetic disorder much like Downs only with chromosome 16. And my 2 yr old has a cyst in his brain and many many other issues.

Emily said...

A fundraiser sounds wonderful! You do so many great things!

ParkerMama said...

Lacey, your heart is so very good. Your blankets make the world a better place. I also totally understand the sleep thing. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if I can get something to help.

MichelleH said...


I am so honored....
-to be called your friend,
-to have been given one of your beautiful remembrance blankies,
-to see my beautiful angel on your blog.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Love and hugs,

Stephanie said...

If you try something like Tylenol PM it's got a non addictive sleep aid, I believe it's actually the same ingredient as what's in Benadryl...
Sleep and no sneezy, itchies... what more could you ask for???
Valerian root is also pretty good for sleep. Just be prepared.. the capsules smell like stinky feet! Hubby says they work wonders though!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey the rememberance blankets are an amazing gift. You are such a sweet friend!

So ... when you are here in March, I'll be sure to gather some friends! Quite a few of us have Disneyland passes, so maybe we can do a night at Downtown afterwards. Beers and moms who all have special needs kids. Awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

You could try simply sleep. I use it sometimes and it is non-addictive sleep aid. It is Tylenol PM but minus the tylenol.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

The blankets are so lovely and you do such a great job. You can try homeopathic remedies. Go to your local health food store and they should give you something called calm forte. Or there are other no addicting herbs. I think there is a difference if you can't get to sleep or if you start to sleep and then wake up. Anyways I know it's hard with our little ones as our schedule of sleeping so much depends on how they are breathing that night, and if they are coughing ect. Hope you find something that works.Hugs

Tyler and Carolyn said...

I can't tell you how much this means to me. I don't even know what to say. It brought tears to my eyes the instant I saw it. It is beautiful.

Lisa said...

Lacey, thank you for finding the time in your busy life to bless people with your blankets! Jayce was our neighbor in the Cardiac ICU. He and his parents touched my life and I will never forget them.