Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm at it again!

Yep I'm at it again. Yesterday we walked around the mall and got lunch. We walked past a little kiosk that sold the hair bows and tutu's I've been dying for. Of course I had to pick up a couple things!

I love the mix and match bows, how you can clip them on a headband or just put them in their hair. She is going to have tons of these!

You don't understand what this means for me.(Well some do!) I've been wanting a girl for 12 years now, and the fact that it is so close is just killing me! It is a bit overwelming because its like having your first baby all over again because we have nothing girl. But I don't want to go to crazy in case something doesn't work out. But you know that would just devastate me.

We talked to the lady thats doing our home study and she said she can come do it this week. The background check should be coming back soon, it was sent out the week before last. I'm not as nervous about the home study as I was before. She said she doesn't care how clean the house is. Just how we are as a family and a couple and our family dynamics. So all you moms that have adopted, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Or a little insight as to what they do when they come out to your house.

If all goes well, our new little sister will be here in a couple of weeks! Then she would be coming with us on our first California trip in March! I can tell Ray is excited too because he said we HAVE to get her a princess dress from Disneyland, and that we need to do the princess character breakfast!

I don't know how adopting through the foster system works either. I don't know if its more involved. Again, any advice is greatly appreciated!


Kele said...

Lacey, I don't have any advice having never walked this road but I know you will get what you need from all your beautiful blogging buddies.
Even tho I don't know you well, I have no doubt you guys will ace the "family dynamics" aspect of it all... you and your family seem amazing.
As for the daughter/sister thing.... YEEEEEEEE!!! I am sooooo tickled pink for you (pun most certainly intended!!) just go all diamond, sparkly, pink and frilly as you can!!!!!!!!!!! And my Mikah can give you all the pointers you need in that department lol!

The VW's said...

No advice, but I am totally jealous! I pray that some day I'll be buying some cute girly things for my child though! Have fun! Hope things go well! Hugs!!!

ParkerMama said...

SO very excited for you! You'll need to have some kind of a shower too, won't ya? :D

Emily said...

Oh... you guys are so cute! I love how excited you are about this! Can't wait to hear more when the time comes!

Kristin said...

It's true that they aren't there for a white glove test. They want to see that you have a stable family and a safe environment for a baby - like I said before, smoke detectors, medicine up high in cupboards, no chainsaw within reach of a toddler - seriously don't forget the garage - weed killer up high, etc :)
... my sister didn't pass her home study - they could tell her hubby wasn't on board and her kids had a few emotional issues. You'll do fine!

Kristin said...

P.S. We need to get you over for a bow making party!!! You can make them for 25-50 cents, not 5-10 dollars a pop!!

Heather said...

Keep gathering those darling girl things up .. have faith.Things will flow as they will and it will be all good.Promise.

Come on March ...we are so excited!

Stephanie said...

No advice from me either, about adoption. But I do know a thing or two about girls. You are going to have a living doll. Every little girls(and big girls) dream come true. and you can never have enough cute things. Lacey I am so excited for you and Ray.And the boys too! And Ray is right, every princess needs a dress from Disney! and a matching hair bow of course.
Praying everything goes smoothly and quickly so you can be snuggling with you daughter soon.

Stephanie said...

OK, I was on your blog the same time you were on mine, that's funny!!

Jessica said...

I got chills and teard up while reading this. I am so happy for your family. Your soon to be daughter is going to a very careing and lovely family. Having a girl is so much fun, very different then boys! Keep us all posted on whats going on with the adoption stuff. I am so happy for you...and the family!

PS I agree with Parkers mama, you need>Must have a shower! How exciting!

Denise said...

It would be so awesome if you got your little girl before March and she made the trip out here to CA with you. Then I would be able to meet her so soon!!! I am very excited for you guys.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey, it is impossible to not spoil little girls. Their things are just too cute!! My Peanut has a million and one hair pretties. You just have to keep buying them. And the little dresses, and tights, and cute shoes .. it goes on and on.

It would be amazing if you had your new beautiful daughter in time for your Dland trip in March!!

My name is Sarah said...

Oh my, This is Joyce. You are going to go broke soon:) It has been a long time since I did home studies, but my best advice is be yourself. We were trained to watch for things that looked too perfect. Also good advice from Kristin to have all things baby proofed. Good luck. I'm sure it will all work out. Your care for Jaxson is proof enough that you can do the job and do it well.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh - those are just so adorable! I have been looking at some of those on some american websites as my hubbys best friends mother is going to Atlanta in Feb and want her to bring me some back! Do you know of the best place on line that I can go and look at? I hope your little girl makes her apperance soon my friend! God bless! Megs and Keaton

Tina said...

I am so excited for you, and the beautiful little girl you are going to have, I can feel the excitement and impatience in your words, keep the faith it will happen faster than you expected. Girlie stuff is so exciting to go shopping for and so much more stuff too. It would be really so so great fro you if you have your daughter by March and she can join you for her first family holiday. She will be one lucky girl to be part of such a loving family.
And thank you for your advice and help on the seizure issue I shall try and post a video soon, its been great getting all the feed back that I did.

Evie's Story said...

Oh Lacey...IM loving it!!!

Shelly Turpin said...

Really we killed ourselves cleaning and then the kids just starting talking and told her everything - including things I would have rather they not told her (like our dog had fleas and a bunch of other stuff). What impressed her was just watching our family interact. My 5 year old feel asleep in my lap. My ADHD kid talked non-stop. It was so fun - ugh. But she could tell from all of that that we were a loving family.

She did need to see the house to see where we would put the baby. My daughter was so disappointed - she wanted to show her the closets after all the cleaning :)

She did need to talk to the kids individually. She wanted to ask them if we hit them, etc.

Stressful, but fine when you look back on it. :)