Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm in big, big trouble!!

Last night I was on babylegs.com, because you know I love those for Jax, and I was looking at some cute girl babylegs. I wanted to buy some so bad, but I'd made a pact with myself. No buying girl stuff before you have the girl!! You will just jinx yourself.
I needed some reassurance so I called Ray in. He said, go ahead, buy some. Great, thanks for the help honey.
Needless to say I bought a pair of girl babylegs!!

But after I did that I soon found myself on Etsy, looking at everything girl.
From hairbows and tutu's,

to baby beanies.

Yeah, I'm in big, big trouble!

I really hope I didn't just jinx myself, I really, really want that girl!!


Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

Girl stuff is VERY hard to resist!!! i love babylegs too!!! Etsy is one dangerous site... I will give you one more: http://www.sweetpeaclips.com Susie, who makes the clips/hairbows is a friend of my sister's in Chicago. She is a nurse at Rush Hospital, where my sister works, and is the NICEST person ever and makes super cute hair accessories (and VERY reasonably priced, too!!!)
glad the appts seem to be going well this week! Keep us posted on your adoption process :)

Kristin said...

That's so funny - I'm the same way with boy stuff - I love all the zoo animals and dinosaurs!

Tina said...

Don't stress...keep the faith, your little girl is out there and will come to you when the time is perfect.

mandd3 said...

My sister is pregnant and the doctor is "pretty sure" it is a girl. I told myself I wouldn't buy anything until they were sure. That didn't last. After 2 girls it was fun to shop for Tomas, but I have to admit I like buying girl stuff better.

I have a question Lacey - Do you have a night nurse every night? If not how do you do sleeping arraingmentw with Jax when no nurse is there? I am tempted to try it with Tomas but insurance only pays for 60 a month. He is in with my husband and I now, we would have to move him for a nurse, but then move him back on the nights without one? That seems like a lot of work for 2 nights a week. I am curious ow you are handling it.

Heather said...

She is coming.Don't you worry.She is.
Remember my friend.His timing.Not ours.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

So cute. I bet you must be so excited. Enjoy it. Half the fun is shopping for girls. Congrats about the dentist trip and all the boys doing so well.

The VW's said...

You are so funny! Just imagine the shopping that you will do when you do get that girl?!! Hugs!!!

Stephanie said...

OK, but seriously how much stinkin' fun is it to pick out little girl things!!!!
Did you end up buying that tutu? i love it!!!
No such thing as a jinx!!Maybe an angel whispering that she's coming, but never a jinx

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Have fun with it. I"m sure you didn't jinx yourself! No such thing. Have faith and things will work out. I believe they will. You guys deserve to have your dreams realized.

Corinne Judy Smith said...

You are an evil, evil girl for posting those cute girly things! I love every thing you found.
Yes, you have missed something because I've only been sneaking little things in when I have posted something. Jamie has been trying to keep everything on the "down low." I'll have to tell you the whole story. It's an emotional mess.

Alicia said...

I am that way with girl stuff too. Just can't resist it! Have faith, your girl is on her way. : )

Rochelle said...

Fun isn't it? Girl stuff is so much cuter than boy stuff!

ParkerMama said...

Don't think jinxed.....think uber prepared! hee,hee!

Emily said...

Awww... girl stuff is so cute! I have to say that I miss those darling things! Buying boy stuff has been different, but fun too! LOVING the beanies!

Melissa said...

I LOVE GIRLY STUFF!! So very excited for you & your new adoption endeavor!! Will pray that you guys will get to raise enough funds to help you GREATLY!!

YAY for the cute stuff!! TOO CUTE~

Anonymous said...

Hi Lacey, got a big surprise in the post today - yes we received your Christmas Card - its absolutely stunning - thank you!
I just love what you were looking at and bought - it is very hard to resist! Hope you are all well and so happy to be back in the land of blogging! God bless, Megs and Keaton

Christine said...

Keeping my fingers crossed and you are in my prayers that you get your little girl!

Angi said...

That husband of your is a KEEPER!!! As if you didn't know:~) So glad you bought some "baby girl" stuff...you will need it some day (I am sure)