Last night Jaxson was trying so hard to roll over, so we grabbed the video camera. Remember to pause the music and just ignore the squealing moron in the background!
As you can see he still can't make it all the way over. Someday maybe! While I was downloading this video I found another video that we did right before the trach. I wanted to get his sweet voice on tape before we trached him. Watching it was the first time I really broke down since he was trached. Oh how I miss that sweet voice!
We have our sleep study tonight. I'm anxious to get the results of that, to see if we are adding even more equipment to our load!
5 weeks ago
I was cheering him on too!!! Way to go, Jaxson!! Thanks for sharing the videos, Lacey
Oh my goodness... he was trying with every bone in his sweet body! He's so close!!!
That was way too cute! I am so happy to see this. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Give Jaxson a high five for me.
He is so close! Yeah Jax! Keep trying buddy you will get over before you know it!!!
Way to go Jaxson - he was so close!
So sad that you don't get to hear him talking anymore. I hope the sleep study goes well.
WOW! He was SO CLOSE! Great job Jax! He lifts his head up much better than Gavin does while in a lying position!
His voice is precious! You must miss it so much! I'm so sorry that this makes you sad! He sure is doing great with the trach though!
Hope the sleep study goes well! Will it be done at home or at the hospital? Hopefully you won't need anymore equipment, but more sleep would be a good thing, so if it's needed, what's one more thing, right?!
Love and Hugs!!!
I think the loss of that sweet voice would make me sad too but you just have to know that it is for the best. He is so close to rolling over. Maybe he is waiting until he gets to CA so he can do it for all of us. So exactly what days will you be doing D-Land? I am trying to figure out what we can do to join you.
Oh man - I thought for sure he had it a couple times. So cute!
Look at him trying so hard! What an amazing sight. :) I hope your sleep study goes well. Those pretty much suck.
I kept yelling "Go Jaxon" too! Way to go buddy!
Way to go Jaxson, you're so close! Hooray!
Believe it or not, not being able to hear Marissa's voice was probably the hardest thing I had to deal with when she got her trach. You just have to have faith you will hear his sweet voice again soon. Oh, and to answer your question, we are hoping Marissa will have the reconstruction in the beginning to middle of Summer and can get her trach out by the end of Summer. We'll see!
Just a tip, when Marissa has to wear the green O2 piece, we use a strip or two of paper tape to secure the green piece to the HME. Works like a charm for a squirmy kiddo!
And, I was listening for the squealing moron in the background but all I could hear was a Mama who was proud of her boy! ; )
I agree with the previous comment. No screaming moron anywhere around. Just a hard working, hard loving momma. I can imagine your sadness at the lose of his voice, but I hope the fact that all these people are cheering just as loud as you are for the success of your son lifts you up a little. It amazes me how all these children I read blogs for have set themselves firmly into the center of my heart even though I have never met them. I shed tears when things go poorly for them and dance with joy when things go well for them. Dancing for you and Jax today Lacey, he looks great and is going to get it so, so soon.
So whose the squealing moron you or me? Bella was watching with me and was laughing because we were both "squealing" the same!!
He is so close! I think that was awesome!
Awww. He's so close! Keep on going buddy!
I was cheering for hi too!! He is sooo close!! It is very evident that he has a momma that loves him. I was pretty impressed with the big brother too!! Jaxson is a very precious (and loved) little guy!!
I LOVE the blog makeover! looks awesome!
Hope the sleep study goes well. We've done those - no fun! Not exactly restful!
Yay for Jaxson and his new accomplishments.
Love the new look of your blog!!!we will always love Mickey ! Hugs to you all, love us
What a sweet little boy. He is trying to hard, I love it. He is a fighter!!!!
Go Jaxson! That was awesome. When I put the video on of him talking Chloe starting talking back to him. It was very sweet. I'm sure you miss his voice! I'm sure you look forward to his finding his "new" voice. Hugs and love,
Amy and Chloe
Sweet little voice! I was so sad when I learned that we wouldn't be able to hear our little man's voice. When he was 1 we got a passy muir and it was so awesome to finally hear him again. He is trying so hard to roll over. Way to go Jax!
It took me forever and many attempts to actually be able to watch the video, but just so so worth it, I was getting so excited seeing how hard he was trying, and I LOVED the squealing, exactly what I do everytime Saira even attempts something new. I think Jax is really close to getting it, best is to let him keep at it and then suddenly it happens. It's such a sweet video so wonderfully sweet and heart warming to watch. The second one too, what a sweet voice, I can imagine how hard it must be for you, but yes if it has made his life easier, well then there you have the answer, but I still understand it must be extremely tough for you. Thanks for sharing these beautiful videos with us. Waiting to hear about the results of the sleep study, I hope it's good!
Oh so close! What a determined little boy!
oh Lacey - I'm so glad we posted the video of Bella talking. We have been so busy with tests and docs I haven't had time to check on my sweet boy. He'll babble again. :)
He sure was trying hard; and he was sooo close...if that arm just wasn't in the way :)
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