My beautiful princess is the most amazing little person! When we first talked about adopting another special needs, I had to do some real thinking. I've always wanted a little girl. I was a dancer. Drill team and dance pretty much ruled my life all through high school. I wanted a little girl that would enjoy dance like me.
Would a little girl with Down syndrome be able to dance?
Would a little girl with Down syndrome go shopping with me, and be my best friend?
It was in this wonderful world of blog friends that I realized that indeed a girl with Down syndrome would be able to do anything any other little girl could do.
Arina learns so much every day, and I can't say that some type of early intervention or therapy has helped her. She did get early intervention in Utah. But that was two days a month for an hour. Basically she came, asked me what Arina was doing now, and did her testing. Thats it!
We will get her into whatever she gets here in California, and of course preschool when she's 3. But everything she learned, she learned from us and her own determination. She is going to be a true walker in just a few short days. Now that she knows how to stand alone, she is walking all over the place!
She's got a few new tricks that I showed her once and she's mastered. The girl gives knuckles like a real gansta!
And this one is a video I need to get and post, because I'm telling you, it will make you cry!
She tickles Jaxson.
I tell her, tickle tickle tickle, and those little fingers are a going on Jax's belly. The love she has for her big brother is unlike any I've ever seen!
Here she is sporting her cute halloween pretties from her bestest auntie Steph!Oh, look, there is a princess in there!
The only problem is the skirt is way to tempting.
I mean, those pumpkins look scrumptious!Yep, just like I feared. Way too much fun to play with, not to wear!
2 weeks ago
I don't believe she's walking!
Absolutely amazing...
Maybe it's the hair, but holy moly she looks so much older!! Yay for walking.
Oh my she is the cutesy! I love her big cheesy smile! Ariana has the best teachers in the world! Her forever family! Smiles
Oh, wow, look at her HAIR!!!! It's growing so long, and wow, that little girl is just sooooooo adorable. Beautiful!
Hopefully you can get more therapy in CA. Stick to your guns! Can you get Medicaid for her there? They'll cover her therapy that isn't covered by EI or insurance.
Love her smile and all the faces she makes! What a cutie pie!
She is amazing!! I love the power of love!
She is an amazing and beautiful girl!
She is getting so big. She is is so lucky to have such an great family. Your family is lucky to have you in their corner. Giving them every opportunity to thrive! <3
It kind of bothers me that you call your Princess a "Down Syndrome Girl"...On many special needs blogs, I have seen them constantly trying to fight that kind of speech -- as Down Syndrome isn't what defines the child. So, to me, calling her a Down Syndrome Girl is defeating. She is a Princess who happens to have Down Syndrome. I am not sure why that bothers me , but it does:/
She's a beautiful little girl! I just love that skirt and those She's a baby doll.
Seriously - she is loved, can't we all stop with the negative criticism simply because what order the words are in? Isn't it obvious what a great life is being provided for this child and how much her family adores her? Sheesh.
Oh she's a doll and getting so big. I must admit that I prefer "people first language" but also know that people who don't use it usually don't do it to mean harm. I always said that someone was Down syndrome before I had Morgan but noticed all the nicu nurses saying she HAD Down syndrome and I really liked how that sounded much better so I decided that was how I would always say it. It just helps show that Ds is not what defines them. It's just a part of them, like brown eyes, shy giggle, and dimples. It's so obvious that she is absolutely adored and spoiled. No matter the semantics.
OMG!!! I love her more than candy!! I don't care what she does with that skirt as long as she's happy!!! Pluck all those pumpkins off Miss. A if you want to:)
And that first pic! Did you see those beautifully pointed toes!! And that pose! Screams DANCER!!!!
Love the mirror pics, she is so stinkin' cute....
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