I realized the other day that I missed Thomas trains! Sounds weird, I know, but I have four boys, so Thomas has been a part of our life for the last 12 years. Well now that Carter is almost 8, Thomas is no longer in our house. I drove under an overpass where a train was going, and I almost, out of habit, screeched, "A train, a train!" That used to be a big deal in our house.
So when I saw some Thomas jammies yesterday, I thought, its about time that Jax has Thomas stuff!
I do have to tuck in the shirt, and pull the pants up for the "old man look" because unless he has an undershirt on, he is a major tube grabber! I mean, this kid won't hold anything in his hand, or reach for anything. But as soon as the clothes come off, he reaches right for that toobie!
Naughty boy!!
1 week ago
Too cute
I LOVE the jammies! :)
Just took my 2yo on a train...won't do that again for a LONG time.
cute jammies! Jonathon loves Thomas
Great jammies :)
Looks like you lost a sock too, Jax! :) You look so handsome in your Thomas PJ's! Tell your Momma that Gavin's Momma gets sad when we have to give away toys that his brothers used to play with too.....she wishes that Gavin was able to play with them as well! :(
And, why is it that our boys love to play with their tubes so much?! Gavin knows that he can get it as soon as I start to change his diaper and he grabs for it like crazy! I finally figured out how to prevent this though.....he is obviously right handed, because he only grabs for it with his right hand, so now I velcro the tube into the left hand side of his diaper tab and he can't get to it as easily. Plus, I almost always have a onsie on Gavin (under his shirts), that way he can't get to the tube and I can still keep his shirts untucked. I just figured all of this out this summer.....finally!.....and it's really working well! But, since Gavin seems to like playing with his tubing, I sometimes give him an old one to grab, since he should be able to play with something! :) HUGS!!!
I love those jammies! jax looks so big suddenly and ever so cute! I remember my son and Thomas, can you believe it for a brief period he was actually scared of the show because all those trains made strange faces.
Love the jammies! Gav has the same pair...Walmart right? cannot beat 5 bucks for some good pjs!
How cute!! I love the Thomas jammies and the child wearing them
LOVE his thomas jammies :)
What cute pj's! I have tried to get Gage into Thomas movies and stuff, but no luck yet. I'm sure if I give it time we'll get there!
Too funny. I have 2 older boys(14 & 11) who loved trains and Thomas. We too would yell Trains and count the engines and drive for miles so the boys could see trains. We even went to one of those Thomas events when it came to our area. I realized too I missed it when I read your blog. So tonight I will have to get Gabriel Thomas jammies and post a picture on my blog. Yes Gabriel has a love affair with his tubes too!!! Thanks for the idea and the memories Lacey and Jax.
nice PJ's Jax!
Those Jammies look extra comfy cozy! Isaac is trouble when it comes to the tubes too=)
Handsome boy! I love your new jammies. Lacey, remind me again what size he wears?
you look gorgeous Jax, Deqlan would LOVE those jammies! Thank you Lacey and thank you Carter for the Thomas trains you sent for Deqlan last year, he still loves and treasures them dearly and we think of you all so often !!! God Bless and hugs Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
Absolutely adorable!
Hello dear Lacey, the kids are asleep and I have not written in sooo long - its been so hectic but tonight I wanted to sit down and right you a message! I have been following little Arina's blog and reading your journey (even on my blackberry whilst on holiday at the sea) and I would log on every night just before bed and read all about your adventures and see pics of your beautiful little girl! So happy to read that Ray is back to bring her home and that your father in law is loving been there and speaking polish to the locals! What a perfect pair to bring your sweet angel home! I cannot wait to see the boys with her and for your new journey to begin! Thinking of you all and praying for you all and just sending you lots of love! Oh and Jaxsons pjs are the cutest thing i have EVER seen, would love to order some for Keaton and send them over (we have a package going soon) where can I find them online? Thanks so much and hugs to all your boys! Much love, Megan
I love these pix of Jax! you are a better mother then me..Thomas scares me sometimes! toot toot! smiles
I don't know much about Thomas, but I love Jax's one bare foot!
Too cute! We love Thomas the tank too! Hate it when they outgrow this kind of stuff. - Maureen C
He is too adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics. And really what is it about the tubes that are such an attraction for them? Izzy tends to bring her hand down to the tube and push at it at times too.
so cute! :)
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