Sorry, I still don't have any pics. On Thursday I will post lots of pics because I will be in a hotel and can use my laptop. We are having a blast. We feel at home, we always do. Yesterday we went to visit Zoey and Heather. We let the boys swim, we had dinner, and we chatted until 10 at night. Oh how I love that family. And I have some really cute pics of her giving everyone around her kisses. As I speak Ray is taking his test. He was so nervous, I could tell. He wants to get down here so bad and he knows this is the way. But he has many more agencies to test with so I'm not worried.
Not to keep you waiting, Boston finally got back with us. Oh I can't even believe it. They want to see him. They want to do a venogram, where they look at all of his veins and were they are going. Then they think they can do this in the cath lab. I'm a little worried about that, just because the chest is not open, and if they make a mistake they can't do anything but watch. Of course I will have a long chat with them before anything is done. I'm just excited that we finally heard back and we can get planning to get out there.
This is so dumb, but I haven't flown since 96 and I'm so nervous. I hate flying, expecially with my kids, I feel like I'm putting them in danger. I know, I just need to get over it. But it doesn't help that they are discussing if Jax is stable enough to fly. They talked about him needing to be on c-pap while we fly because of the pressure changes. I guess we will wait and see. I think we need an echo before we go to see if his pulmonary pressures are up and if the heart is ok before we fly. Oh what a great week this has been so far.
1 week ago
Good news! Yea! Keep us posted on what happens and I hope Ray's test went well.
GREAT news!!!
Oh awesome!
First I'd suggest a big fat valium, but you have the kids..
Being halfway comtose can make flying sooo much easier, but you do have to be able to keep the kids from burning the place down, right?
Ahh well, deep breathing maybe?
You'll probably be so focused on Jax and the cpap, oximeter, feeding pump, etc. that you won't have time to remember that your in the air.
I'm just so excited that things are moving along finally!
Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it!
I am so glad you finally got news from Boston. See if you can get an Air Medical flight so he can have C-Pap while he flies. It's possible since he's in imminent danger that insurance could pick it up. I will be praying for all the details to work out.
Finally! I'm so glad that Boston called! Sounds like you all are having a great getaway too!
Yay Boston - finally! Crossing my fingers for Ray. Tell Mickey hello for us :)
Wonderful News dear Lacey! Our Lord certainly answers our prayers!
Wishing Ray the best of luck and just know that he will do just fine!
Enjoy the time on vacation and I hope that you all are well and rested! God bles!
Such good news
Have a wonderful time in CA
Woo!Hoo! Hey Lacey - do you still have that list of air ambulances that I sent you? I would think this would qualify. If I remember correctly, one of them was for flying people to treatment in a non-emergency situation. Would this make things easier on you?
Glad you are having such a good time. You need it and deserve it. Will be keeping up prayers for good test results for all! Hugs!
Steph and Christopher
Yay! I'm so glad you guys are loving it and having a good trip. I'm so glad you heard from Boston, and that they want to see him.
That's great news!!
As for flying, I totally know how you feel there. I recently flew, (with the kids myself) for the first time in years as well. I used to love flying, but the older I get, the more I hate it! I was a nervous wreck, but I think because I was by myself with my kids I had to force myself to be strong and not freak out so I wouldn't scare them.
I'm sure you'll do fine....just remind yourself that you are doing this for Jax, and all will be ok.
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY for Boston & I hope that hubby did great, I'm sure he did:)
Hugs to all of you;)
FINALLY!!!!! Praying that Jax gets the thumbs up to fly. I hate, no I HATE to fly also. Maybe you can get a mild relaxer for the flight. That's the only way I can get on a plane. Keep us posted!!!
Give Zoey a hug from us! Have a blast!
YAY!!! I'm so happy that they FINALLY contacted you! I'll be praying that all that is involved for this trip to Boston will go well and smoothly! What a relief to know that they are willing to help!
Hope you continue to have a wonderful vacation! Can't wait to see pictures!!!
Praying your husband's test went well too! HUGS!!!
Well, when you get here, Mel and I will be on our way to greet you! Someone has to keep you company. Good luck!! and Good luck to Ray on his test!
YAY!!! That's so exciting. You've waited so long. Keep us posted when you're coming and hopefully I can get to see you. I'm a little farther then Melissa and Maureen, but if that timing is right, hopefully Chloe and I will be able to work out a visit!!!!!!!!!! (I'm about 3 hours from Boston).
Thank you Lord for answering our prayers! I am sure you are ecstatic about things! I will continue to pray that things continue to go in your favor so that Jax is able to make the flight. In the meantime, continue to enjoy your vacation! Oh and I will pray that God's will be done with your husband and the test he had to take as well as future employment. God Bless You!
That's AWESOME NEWS!!!!!
I always thought you guys all flew to Disney...But I guess you drive there......How long is the drive with all those boys?? :0)
I don't think you told me before.....but what does your husband do?? What is he testing for??
My husband is a Field Service Engineer who started going back to school a few months ago to work in Information Technology......He hates to travel and be away every single week......
What great news! Prayers are answered! Getting you out there...well my dear, you know there are so many of us that will do what it takes to get your family out there, even if that means driving you myself! Boston called, it's a huge step, a start to hopefully a great path to a healthy, thriving little guy! Our luck to your hubby today, may he have peace during the test and know so many of us are pulling for him! Love you safe!
I can't wait to see pictures. I was just thinking what Michelle said...I'll drive you to Boston if I have to! Don't worry about it at all.
Fantastic news!!!! I am so glad they finally called and am also glad that you are enjoying your vaca!
I don't like to fly either! In fact... I haven't flown since 2001 and don't plan to in the near future!
Thank goodness!! I am thrilled that Boston called and the talks are started. I am sure they will find a safe way to get you guys there.
How fabulous that you had such a nice visit with Heather and little Zoe! I can't wait to meet you guys on Saturday. :)
AWESOME!!!! One step at a time. They called, they want to see him!!! Getting there needs to be the least of your worries. Somehow it will work out. I hope we can see you and am so glad that Ray actually went to the test :) Can't wait to hear how things went.
This is good news!!!
Glad y'all are having a blast. I hope your husband does well on his test.
And yeah for Boston!! I so hope they can help!
I am so happy to hear this good news. A great vacation and a great call from Boston, yay!
Wow - I didn't have time to check my blog roll earlier today - what fantastic news. I am so glad you finally heard back from them and that they want to see your sweet little man. I am not a frequent flier either - would prefer to stay on the ground myself - so I understand how you feel. Someway, somehow you will get there - I would be happy to drive you as well if it meant Jaxson could be helped.
Tell Ray we hope he did well on his test. So glad you guys are having a blast.
By the way the green and pink blanket with animals is the cutest material! Love it!
So happy!! Praying that everything goes well. I'm with you on the flying thing. I'm a nervous wreck the whole time! I guess it's my fear of heights and having no control.
Great news! I wish the best for Ray too.
How awesome!!!! I am so glad that you heard from Boston. Hope Rays test went well for him.
YEAH!!!! Great news, hopefully you can get out there quickly and they can help sweet little Jaxson.
Hi Lacey. Sorry it has taken me so long to write back-as you know, we have had a lot going on! Thank you for your offer to make Jayce a memorial blanket. I would love to talk to you about heart conditions, charity work, etc.
You can email me at
Great news!! I am so happy that Boston FINALY called!! Yay!
Wonderful that Boston contacted you back. I told you, you would know when it's time to let go and it's not now.
So the ride got postponed until this Sunday. I hope that means you guys will be able to be there to participate and those raising the funds can get to meet Jaxson.
Hoping for good things to come your way.
This is AWESOME news! Don't worry about flying with your kids. They will be JUST fine! And, it's better to be safe than sorry and have him on C-Pap while on the airplane!
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