Thursday, July 2, 2009

Giveaways, wahoo

Good morning. I'm sending everyone to Lily's blog. Her and her mommy are doing a raffle and huge givaway for her birthday this month. It goes all the way to the 27th, which is her birthday. On random days they are giving something away, today is one of those days. So hurry over, all you have to do is leave a comment, simple huh. Plus look at the raffle items. You can get a raffle ticket for only the stuff you are interested in. Please go check it out, they've worked really hard on it. The givaway today is a little pool and beach towel, perfect for your little one this summer.

On Jax now, I've been wondering lately if doctors have brains? I took Jax into his ped for labs and to look at his incision from his cutdown. Its quite red, and its in his crotch, so I'm sure it gets pretty dirty. Well, she was wondering why there were still stiches in it. If they are disolvable, they should be gone by now. Nope, so she called the surgeons office. The resident told me the day he pulled the line that they were disolvable. Well, the NP that called back yesterday said they don't put disolvable in that kind of incision. Nice, did the surgeon not remember that they were going to have to come out? Sheesh, these people. So my ped took them out. It was difficult, they were in there deep. And when they were all out, the incision is open. Its healed, but you can spread the skin apart and look in there. It is going to be the most horrific scar. She said it looked good, man all this just to get access to his veins.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jaxson! I can't believe doctors would do this yet again to this precious little boy. Man, he is one h e double toothpick of a fighter. Puts me right to shame.

Anonymous said...

Poor Jax :0(

When I had Evan not all of my stiches dissolved.....I didn't realize this until Evan was about 2 -3 months old and I really had the guts to look at it.....:0) And I noticed in the corner was a piece of a knotted string.....Even though I was grossed out by it....Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled on it.....It started coming out.....More and more until it stopped.....and I kept on tugging lightly on it and it was not budging.....I had no other choice but to cut the 2 inches I had pulled out......I still get the chills every time I talk about it....Anyways.....I was left with a hole in my incision......I wasn't able to get in with the doctors for a few days.....It scared me....But the day I was due to go to the doc's the hole was closed....You couldn't even tell there was ever a hole there......I never spread it apart or anything....I was too scared to, but from the way it looked....You could stick something as thin and as wide as a large paper clip in it.......

I'm sending lots of hugs and love your way!! :0)

The VW's said...

Poor Jax! It's a good thing he has a great ped and a great Momma! Tell Jax, the more scars you have and the bigger they are, the tougher you are too! I'd say Jax is one tough little dude! HUGS!

Cammie Heflin said...

Poor little guy! He's such a trooper!

Melissa said...

POOR JAX!! These Doctors are a bunch of turds!! I'm so sorry!!!!
{{hugs & kisses}} God, that really ticked me off...grrrrr

The VW's said...


We had to fight to get them to approve a chair for Gavin. They said no at first and asked for more info on why he needed one. Our therapist had to send 3 letters of recommendation to get one approved. It took months to finally get them to say yes. Keep fighting for it! I hope that they finally approve one for Jax too! Sitting up is definitely more than a convenience!

I hope you guys have a great weekend and I pray that Jax is doing well! HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I think we should just all move to!?

Shelly Turpin said...

oh my gosh - when does he get a break? I'm so glad that you are so on top of things