Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A quiet blog world and remembering Michael.

The blog world has been pretty quiet lately. I think because summer is here and we are all outside playing and taking vacations. Its been quiet here too, which is always good.

Today I didn't do much but some stuff around the house while watching Michael Jacksons memorial. Yes, I'm a Michael Jackson fan. I don't care what other people say. I grew up dancing to his music. Him and Janet, I still to this day know all of their music video dances. I wish I could post a video from Drill Team when we danced to a mix of his music. It will always be the best to dance to. And as a dancer, I really loved his stuff. If you've ever seen the movie 13 going on 30, yeah that was me. When me and Ray first watched it he was like, Oh my gosh, that is totally you. So if you haven't seen it, now you have to rent it to know what I mean. So this first song is for me and my childhood. It truly was a great memorial, not over the top, just for him as a human. But I did bawl my eyes out when his little girl had to tell everyone how great her daddy was. Thats what we need to remember, he had 3 kids that are now left without a daddy. I love you King of Pop.

We are just trying to get a lot of swimming in before our passes expire at the end of this month. And trying to get my yard looking pretty. Buying a forclosed home can be crazy. A great deal, but crazy. I hope everyone is enjoying summer.


Kristen's mom said...

Quiet is also good for us cancer patients. Tomorrow we go to clinic to have the monthly blood test. I'll be holding my breath until I hear the results. I should have 3 if not 4 blankets done by this weekend. I'll e-mail you when I am finished to see how to get them to you. By the way...The haircut is darling.

Junior said...

Love the pictures, Jax and his brother are so cute together.

Gabe and Val said...

Cute page wheredid you get it.
People need to remember that he was still a person with faults, but most important he was GREAT ENTERTAINER.It's like our Elvis has died because it was like that to our age group.

Emily said...

Every year our PE teacher had us do a dance, and it was ALWAYS a Michael Jackson song! Gotta love his music. It's been quiet around here... but we are off to California to visit my parents Thursday! We are excited for that. Enjoy your summer! I want to come visit when I get back!

Alan Anderson said...

I caught bits and pieces of the memorial - but missed his daughter's talk. He was a great singer and dancer and I hope people remember that instead of all the weird stuff.

Where is this summer going - it seems to be flying by and I still haven't made it to the pool with my kids.

I can do some more blankies if you need me to - just let me know. I can either go get material and start there or crochet ones that you have ready.

Stephanie said...

OK, that's my favorite scene in that movie. I secretly wish that was me!
I think a lot of people forget under all the "stuff" and show that a human being has passed away, He left an incredible musical mark on this world and so much, much more than that to his family, who are mournig the loss of a brother and a father.

Unknown said...

Love the collage!

Denise said...

Oh...I have to admit that I started balling with "We are the World" and didn't stop until well after the daughter spoke. I agree that the memorial service really was done tastefully and simply celebrated a human being's life. With celebrity's we can never truly know what is fact or fiction so I just choose the believe the best of people and the memorial really reminded us of all Michael has done. His poor little kids.....

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture!!!

It has been quite....sometimes a little TOO quiet :0)...he he he

The VW's said...

What a cute picture! Glad to hear that you are enjoying summer and swimming! Quiet is ALWAYS a good thing when you have a child with special needs! I pray that this continues for you and I pray that you will hear from Boston soon!

I used to love MJ too. My sister did a dance to one of his songs for a dance recital and it was great music for dancing! It's so sad to know that his kids have to go through this!

Love, Hugs and Prayers!

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce, I spent the entire day yesterday sobbing. Watching it live and then each time I saw a replay throughout the evening. My boys thought I was nuts. I too grew up with Michael, had the Jackson 5 posters all over my bedroom walls. I think I was as much touched yesterday at how amazing the brothers were. So appreciative to all performers and supportive to one another.

It is quiet in blog world although Sarah still wants to post everyday, so we are. I am so glad Jax is feeling better.

Denise said...

Yes...we got it from Cafe Press!! The only thing I wish is that they had a little bit more of a girlie style onesie.

Kim said...

I grew up listening to MJ too and what is so strange is how my kids can't get enough of him now. They have been on youtube watching every video! Like he is some kind of new artist. So sad for his children.

Anonymous said...

Look Jax's new haircut and the photos! Hope you enjoy every minute of your summer and that the boys love the swimming! I love Michael Jackson's music and I was born on the same day as him so I always felt a connection to him in a funny corny way..... I remember blasting the radio up and singing and dancing to black and white when I was in high school - the fact is I dont think we will ever see another music icon like Michael Jaxkson in our lifetime! I watched his whole memorial here in SA - it went late into the night but cried through the whole thing! The speeches were simple phenominal! And usher - wow that had me! And of coarse his sweet children! Anyway I could go on and on so let me go! Hugs to Jax! Megan and Keaton