Saturday, February 7, 2009

We're home!!

We are home, yeah. Jax is doing great. I'm so mad though because the perscription for loratab they gave me is in compound form, and there are no compound pharmacies open right now. So What am I going to do for pain meds for my poor baby? Tylonel is not quite strong enough yet. I just hope it works for him. The central line they put in was in his groin. I can't fathom why you would put a line there in a diapered kid,or any kid for that manner. I told them he was an impossible poke, and I know they hear that all the time. But I found seven places were they tried to start an IV before they did the line. I just pray my poor baby was asleep before they did that, but I don't know if he was because they like to get access before they put him out.
Jax surgery battlewounds


Cammie Heflin said...

Poor little guy! I'm glad that he is home and hopefully you will get meds soon!

Pam said...

Awww...poor guy. But YAY that you are home!!

We were gonna come see you, but Rhett is sick, and we don't want to share cooties.

Thank me later. ;)

After we get better and you get better, we wanna come visit. We need to go shopping and find some matching outfits for the boys so I can do their picts.

I hope the Tylenol works okay for tonight, and that you can get some Loratab for him soon.

Let me know if you need anything.


Junior said...

Poor Jaxson, sure hope he recovers quick and you can get the pain meds for him.

Heather said...

Sweet little guy.But .. home already ... that is awesome.What a trooper he is.So strong and so resilient.He amazes me.Here is praying for a restful night and that tylenol is able to take the edge off.As for the blanket ... can I tell you that I cried?Like a baby.It is so beautiful and so perfect and the tag with Jaxsons picture.That was my favorite part.He will be "with "Zoey everyday.Hoe special is that?Tomorrow ... pictures,promise.That blanket is a a labor of love and I will cherish it always and forever.Kiss that brave little hero of yours from us.A big one from Zoey.

wild things said...

I am glad you are home. It seems faster than you had expected, so that is great. He looks good. I bet you wish he could tell you how he was feeling- huh. Give him a kiss from me and the girls.

Heather said...

That would be "How" ... can you tell I'm tired?

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness Jax, you are so amazing! Battle wounds are right!!!
Holly cow, I would be upset too that he doesn't have the proper pain meds...GRRRR I hate when the hospitals send you home like that...happened to us w/Dillon's heart RX!

Well, the important thing is that YOU'RE HOME..YAY!!! So SO glad!

Hope you have a great rest of the weekend sweetie pie;)[BIG HUGS!]

Anonymous said...

What an amazing little boy! I hope he got some restful sleep last night! I am so glad you are home!
Prayers and Hugs

My Three Sons said...

I'm so glad your home. To me it is sooo much easier to take care of them at home than in the hospital.

I hope he gets better soon and you get some pain meds quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jax! I'll praying for a quick recovery and that the Tylenol will be enough for the little guy. Little people really are amazing at how quickly they recover. Hope he gives you some I'm sure much needed sleep tonight.

The VW's said...

Poor little man! Those battle scars look very familiar. I'm so glad that you are home again! I pray that he continues to do well and that the Tylenol works! (Compound prescriptions are such a PAIN!!!)

Thanks for posting a picture! I seriously love to stare at him! He is so darn CUTE! I'll continue to pray for Jaxson and you!

Adam, Jaci, Grant, Grace and Amelia said...

I am glad that you are home! Poor Jaxson! Good luck with everything!

Tara Bennett said...

I'm so glad you're home and Jax is doing well! I hate compound prescriptions. Ugh, annoying. Regular Lortab works, why do they have to complicate your already complicated life??? I hope he continues to do well at home! xo

CJ Field said...

Poor baby! I hope you are all getting some sleep and he is feeling well soon!!

Becca said...

Ohhhhh. That hurts just to look at. I'm so sorry he's had to go through that, but glad he's on the mend. Hugs from me and Samantha!