Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Surgery times tommorow

Surgery is bright and early tommorow. I have to be there at 6:45, surgery at 8:15. Anyone who wants to come up can. It will be about 3 hours, then he will go to PICU. I will update as soon as I can when he comes out. Please pray that everything goes smooth, and he doesn't throw us any curveballs.


Melissa said...


Praying for this sweet little sunshine! You're a hero & you be brave again for Mommy & Daddy now;)
Melissa & Dillon

Cammie Heflin said...

Praying for little Jaxon!

Anonymous said...

Hi I came across your blog from another blog. My heart goes out to your family. I also have a little girl with many special needs. I know the feelings that go in to the day before a surgery. I will be praying for Jax and for your family. I know God will protect him and guide the doctors hands.

Junior said...

Praying that surgery goes smoothly and Jaxson with be back home quickly. Hugs

My Three Sons said...


I just want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. You have my number so call if you need to talk about anything.

Kaci and Carson

The VW's said...

I'm praying! In fact, I woke up in the middle of the night and prayed for Jaxson and he was the first person that I thought of when I woke up this morning! Hope everything goes smoothly! Hang in there Momma!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I can't be there today, my son broke his back. Keeping Jaxson in my thoughts and prayers, as well as you!

Pam said...

Okay Jax, you behave and don't scare your mommy, okay?

You are in our prayers. Lacey, if you need anything, even if it's to vent to someone who knows how you feel about that place, please call me.

We'll be thinking of you.

Pam and Rhett

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaxson, you are in my prayers today! God will be holding your little hand through the whole procedure! God bless, Megan and Keaton

CJ Field said...

Hoping all goes well! You're all in my thoughts!!