Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pics of Jax

Jax when he came out of surgery.

Extubated 3 hours after surgery, yeah. I think he would still be intubated if he had his tonsils out.


Kim said...

So glad that Jaxson is doing well. He has the cutest chubby cheeks! He is in our prayers!

My Three Sons said...

He just looks sooooo cuddlely (is that even a word LOL).

Give him lots of kisses for me.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Poor little guy!!! Glad he's not intubated anymore! We're still praying!

Anonymous said...

Hello dear Jaxson, we are so happy that the op is over and we hope that you feel yourself in no time.... You are such a brave little boy! God bless!

Melissa said...

You're so precious Jax;) Can't wait for you to be home!!

The VW's said...

Poor little guy! It breaks my heart seeing children like that! But, I'm so glad that he is off the vent now! Praying that he continues to do well and praying for your peace of mind! Cute blanket he has there! :) Take care!

Anonymous said...

Prayers coming from us! I've been checking in on you guys!

Tara Bennett said...

I'm so glad he's doing okay! I'll check in often! I wish there were something I could do....

junglemama said...

Bless his little heart. What a precious boy!