Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines day to everyone. Jax had a big poopy yesterday, so we are sticking with the Suppositories every day. They think his bowels are being slow from surgery. Jax girlfriend Ariana come over to play last night while her mommy and daddy went on a date.

Its snowing here, of course, I'm so ready for spring. Me and my hubby are going out tonight for valentines day. Yeah, no kids.

Have a great day!!


My name is Sarah said...

Happy Valentine's Day

Junior said...

Happy Valentines day, have fun on your date.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day dear Jaxson and Family.... Have a fab time on your day tonight....

Heather said...

Enjoy your evening out and love to our little love Jaxson.

The VW's said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Give kisses to sweet Jaxson for me! Hope you have a wonderful time out with your hubby!

Anonymous said...

YEAH for poopy! Is it not crazy the things we get excited about these days! I remember being in the NICU and crying the first time we had pooh! Now we count each day to be sure it happens alright!
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!