Tuesday, June 16, 2009

night update.

I'm home for the night, and I totally left my camera in Jax bed. So sorry I can't post pics tonight. They extubated him at 5:00. He did great for a while, but I was a little hesitant to leave him. He is breathing a little hard, he is on high flow oxygen right now. He has a fever, it looks like he may be getting a little lump on his belly, so surgery is going to come by and take a peek. His central line is oozing blood like crazy, they've already had to change the dressing twice. And were his blood pressure cuff was on his arm he has red lines like broken blood vessels. We are not quite sure what is going on. He has been off his lovenox since yesterday morning so I would be more concerned for clotting than bleeding. They've sent off some labs so we'll see what his platelets are. I'm hoping he doesn't have an infection in his belly and that he can remain off the vent. I will be calling up a lot to make sure everything is ok and I don't have to go back up tonight. Keep those prayers coming, he is being the stinker he is known to be.


Shari said...

Holding Jaxson and your family up!

Junior said...

Jaxson is in our prayers.

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about and praying for Jaxson all day and will say one last prayer for today, right now.

Emily said...

He has been on my mind all day. We will continue to pray. I hope you are able to get some sleep.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Sending hugs and prayers! Here if you need us!

Anonymous said...

We continue to keep the prayers coming your way! Stay strong little Jaxson and recover quick. Remember he is in God's loving arms tonight wrapped tight. Try to get some rest.

Anxious AF said...

I hope you are able to get some rest. I hope tomorrow is a new day of healing for Jaxson.

Denise said...

Thinking and praying for you all!!!

My Three Sons said...

WEll I'm so glad to hear that they got him off the vent. I'm praying for an easy and restful night.

Melissa said...

Keeping Jaxson in my prayers Lacey!

Katey said...

Praying everything works out tonight! He's a fighter!!

Alan Anderson said...

We will keep praying. Good news that he was extubated. Hopefully he has a great nurse in PICU and you will be able to rest a little easier.

Hugs from Kristi and Carter

Anonymous said...

Flooding heavens gates with prayers.... God bless, megs and Keaton

Heather said...

Finishing up my night,checking in one final time on your little guy.Our little buddy.Praying his night is uneventful,knowing all too well that Jax like to keep people on their toes.Behave sweet Jax ... mom and dad need their rest.So do you.Love from California.

Stephanie said...

Jax is in our constant thoughts and prayers!

Loren Stow said...

I hope that Jaxson is safe and sound and well - all my thoughts and prayers and good vibes going your way!!

The VW's said...

Still praying!!! I hope the night went well and Jax behaved himself! Praying that the day holds only good news for all of you! HUGS!!!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

LOTS of positive thoughts and mojo coming your way!!!! Hang in there Jax!

Anonymous said...

We're still praying hard for you little Jaxson!!!

<3 ya!!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys...hope he has a good day today!

Shelly Turpin said...

Praying Lacey