Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He's in

He just went back about 15 mins ago. A PICU bed is reserved. They are planning on a central line and leaving him intubated. Aways plan for the worst and expect the best, right.


The VW's said...

Praying for you guys and thinking of you lots!!! Hopefully he can be extubated quickly! HUGS!!!

Life Unscripted said...

You are in our constant prayers today. I will keep my eye out for updates!!

HUGS, Love and Blessings

Jenna and Lilyana

Unknown said...

In our constant thoughts today. We will be watching for updates.

Unknown said...

Come on Jax!! We are rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and little Jax! Be strong - he is in the best hands possible - Gods Hands!
Lots of Love, Keaton and Megan

Alan Anderson said...

Go Jaxson - show them how strong you are!! Thanks for the updates!!

Kristi and Carter

Shari said...

Praying for Jaxson and you today. I hope things go smoothly and he has no trouble getting extubated.

Anonymous said...

You and Little Jaxson are always in my prayers, but will be especially today. I hate it when my kids have been intubated, so hopefully it will be quick and as painless as possible for him.

Jen said...

Been thinking about you all day. Praying for little Jaxson!