Monday, May 11, 2009

perscriptions, perscriptions.

The para flu has taken over my house. I just spent 68 dollars on perscriptions. A couple were Jax's that I had to refill. but the other two were steriods and nebs for my asthma kids that are super sick. My ped almost sent Tanner to the hospital after 3 back to back nebs only had his sats at 90. She specifically told me if his sats go under 90 tonight to take him in. Little did she know I had my fingers crossed when I agreed to that. His steriods should kick in soon, if his oxygen drops a little tonight like it probably will, I'm not spending more money to go to the ER for a little while. I have everything here. So we'll see how tonight goes.

I do have some great news for me though. I just found out that two of Jax seizure meds are now in generic, whoopee. You don't know how great it will be to go from 25 dollar copays to 4 dollar copays, ok a lot of you probably understand. But if you take 12 meds times 25 dollars each, thats a lot of money just in meds a month. So I'll take whatever I can get.

I'm stressing a little about Jax. He is waking up at night screaming again. We think once again its headaches, because he's fine when I put him upright in his swing. His bed is slanted up a little, but not enough. He needs his SVC fixed sooner than later. But he also needs his cecostomy done to, but we can't do them together, so there's two surgeries he needs now. I hate to put him through so much so close together, one being an open heart surgery. I mean, how much can one little body take. Although he did have 3 major surgeries in a 3 month span, but give the little man a break. So I don't know what will be first, I guess it depends on who schedules first , and if we have to go out of state for the SVC surgery. So just pray for my little man that he can handle all of this.


Junior said...

Oh Lacey you sure have your hands full with your boys being sick. Sure hope they get over it quick.
Lots of prayers coming your way.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks when I read this stuff! We are getting great items donated I will keep you posted :-)

mom said...

I love the picture of Jaxson sleeping. I'm sure you do too! I don't have anywhere near as much on my plate as you do but when my little ones are asleep, it's wonderful!

I hope your family gets better soon.


Junior said...

Hi Lacie, yes he will make faces or cry if he is hurting then I go through each body part asking if it hurts and he will use eye gaze(right is yes, left no) to tell me whether or not it hurts.

By the way that last pic of Jax sleeping is so sweet

Alison said...

Sorry to hear all the kids are sick. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Great news on the cheaper prescriptions.

Anonymous said...

What a precious little boy. LOVE the photo of him sleeping! Sweet boys you have!

Emily said...

Oh I am so sorry your boys are all sick! We will continue to pray for them and sweet little Jaxson.

ch said...

i know this sounds WAY over simplistic...and I totally hear you on the monthly Rx costs so maybe it's just stupid hope...

Is there any chance it's Jax's ears? I know fluid (whether it's infection related or not) can make lying flat awfully painful...

Doggone your little sickos...and I would have crossed my fingers right in FRONT...every time we've gone that route with LC we came home sicker than we went in. You're an old pro and can at least protect him from new germies in the meantime...

Crossing my fingers for a night of sleep for sweet Jax...

Heather said...

Jax looks like such an angel in the picture.He reminds me so much of Zoey ... hair color and all.I pray everyone is on the mend before long and of course I pray for sweet Jax and everything that lies ahead for him.I know he is fragile Lacey but he is so strong at the same time ... make sense??

The VW's said...

Poor Momma! You must be exhausted with all of this going on! I pray that your boys get better really soon and that surgery can be scheduled soon for Jax! I know that the surgeries won't be fun, but to have them over with and have him hopefully feeling better will be wonderful! Hang in there! I'll be praying!!!

Christine said...

We have sickness going on here too. Lots of prayers that everyone gets healthy soon.

Anonymous said...

You know during out appt, she was surprised that she didn't already have a prescription called in or filled for him already..... That liteally made me sick.... To think that we could've started this a while ago.....UGH......

Be proud of me though.... :0) I'm getting more assertive with Avery's doctor's.....I'm usually very passive at things, but since Avery has been born....i am in like full mother bear mode!!!

Stephanie said...

I'm exhausted just reading your blog,sending prayers for a speedy recovery for all.

Kim Rees said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Shelly Turpin said...

Oh lacey - I am so sorry about the flu. I am grateful that your med went generic - what a blessing. Praying for your guys today!

I love the picture of jax with his blanket - sweet guy

LisaL said...

Hey Lacey! Just wanted to pass on some info I received tonight about a study regarding switching from brand to generic or one generic to another.
Hopefully Jaxson will not notice a difference or it will work better!

Melissa said...

OH look like an angel sleeping in this photo...

love yaxoxo