Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh ya, its mothers day

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you moms out there.

I had to read some of your mothers day posts before I could do mine. Last night was exhausting. Jax was cranky all night. And the para flu has found it's way to my little baseball player. He woke up in the middle of the night panicky because he couldn't breathe. Colds are almost as bad for him and Tanner as they are for Jax because they have severe asthma. Asthma is rampant in my hubbys side of the family, and my hubby has it pretty bad. So I knew we were in for it when we had kids. There have been times when I've given my pediatrician a heart attack because I've put Carter on oxygen at home because his sats dropped and I have the oxygen here so I use it.

So I've started my Mothers day kind of cranky, but then my cute little sick Carter came in and gave me his mothers day present that he made in school. The best kind of present. A pencil holder with his picture and says, "mommy, your my lucky star".

I love my boys so much, and I love to show them the world and take them everywhere to experience everything. And I know its even harder for us moms with medically fragile children. They can be exhausting themselves, without adding in the other kids. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Its going to be a beautiful day today and I think I will go out and plant some flowers in my yard this morning.

Again, Happy Mothers Day to all you special moms out there, we love you!!


Emily said...

I sure hope you have a beautiful day. You deserve it! You are such an inspiration to so many moms out there, including me! Happy Mothers Day!

Loren Stow said...

Happy Mothers Day! You are an inspiring mom!

Junior said...

Happy Mothers Day
Sure hope everyone starts feeling better. Great picture of your boys, they are so handsome

Cammie Heflin said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Beautiful pic of all of your boys!

Kim Rees said...

Happy Mother's Day to one of the best! The boys picture is wonderful! Have an awesome day!

Shari said...

Happy Mother's Day to a Mom I admire and respect.

My name is Sarah said...

What a great photo. Happy Mother's day.

Anonymous said...


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Happy Mother's Day! I just got back from buying new flowers to plant in my yard also!! :)

The VW's said...

What a great picture of your boys!! Happy Mother's Day to you!! Hope you enjoyed yourself! And, hope your boys are feeling better soon!

Kim said...

What a wonderful picture of the boys! Hoping everyone gets to feeling better. Happy Mother's Day!

Melissa said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!

JRS said...

Happy Mother's Day Lacey.

ParkerMama said...

Your family is gorgeous. You are one lucky Mama. Happy Mother's Day!

Kele said...

Looking at that picture, I would say you are one lucky Mommy. What a beautiful family!!

Anonymous said...

Hello my freind, as everyone has mentioned above this is such a beautiful photo of your boys! I hope you had a wonderful mothers day filled with lots of joy and happiness! You are such an inspiration to me! Your strength, your courage and your determenation is amazing to witness! You are such a gentle soul and you can see you would do anything for your children! They are all blessed to have you as their mom! God bless!

Shari said...

Hi Lacey: I do post on my family blog mostly. My other blog is just pictures which you are more than welcome to view, too. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Mothers Day!

Stephanie said...

I've been reading and reading, you're amazing

Anonymous said...

Your boys are the cutest!!! You are such an awesome mama!!

