Monday, March 30, 2009

Trading idea's

I always get such great idea's from other moms with medical kids. So I thought I would share one of my travel idea's since I've pulled it out for my trip.
I bought an actual tackle box (I still need to cover up the ugly fish on the front.) But I use the plastic bins inside to store all of Jax medical garb. And I put his extra cannulas, feeding bags, and cords in the bottom.

The plastic bins hold everything. And you can make them different sizes for what you need. Here are Jax's.

I kind of feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I have so much to do but when I go to do it I just stand there like a complete idiot. We got a cargo holder for our car and I still don't feel like I'm going to have enough room for all of Jax stuff. I have a small concentrator, 5 oxygen tanks, his bag of feeding supplies, bag of medical supplies, his suitcase, his suction machine, his pulse oximeter. Ahh

Tomorrow he is having a CT of his head done. To see if the ventricles are enlarged. If they are, it will make surgery a little more urgent because its causing pressure in the brain. I'm going on vacation, so it will have to be when we get back. And I guess it will be discussed in the conference with the surgeons this Wednsday. Wow, maybe his cardiologist is finally getting the picture that we are not giving up on our baby, and we want his problems fixed. It would be nice to have an answer before we go. So we are not on pins and needles while we are gone. Keep your fingers crossed for answers.

A cute pic of Jax I just had to throw in.


My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Brilliant idea with the tackle box. And you have it organized so well. I hope your trip is wonderful. I can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

Junior said...

The tackle box is a great idea, I will have to find one for Junior.
Have a great vacation.

Anonymous said...

He is the cutest little man!!! Oh and I loved the video you have of him on your blog!! He is special in every way!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy every minute of your well deserved vacation and cant wait to see the photos! Praying that Jaxson's surgery does not become urgent! Thanks for the cute photo - its adorable! Love Megan and Keaton

The VW's said...

What a smart Momma Jaxson has!!! Thanks for sharing!

I hope you are able to get everything done that you need to do! I can so relate to having a lot to do and just standing there not knowing what to do! I hate that feeling!

Just keep thinking about Mickey Mouse while you pack! :)

Blessed with Boys said...

Yeah for vacation!! You deserve it! I hope it is relaxing and enjoyable! The tackle box is a WONDERFUL idea! We will be praying for answers on Jax before you leave!!!

Becky said...

HI! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I don't want you to feel bad for not getting down to see us that day. I totally understand. We are still here. :( But, things are starting to look up. I hope you are well. I'll be keeping up with your blog. Stay in touch and thank you again for the blanket!!!

Stephanie said...

How cute is that picture???
The tackle box is a cool idea, I hate just throwing it all in a bag and having to search around whenever I need something. Have a great vacation, I hope it all goes smoothly. Oh by the way, I'm working on getting a good pic for the blankie blog, V loves it, he's getting over a nasty respiratory bug so I'm waiting to get a picture that's not full of snot!
Lots of love, Stephanie.

ch said...

I'm SO on my way to get a tacklebox...Can i TELL you the number of times I have EVERYTHING I need for one of LC's feed only to realize one item is missing and I'm completely unable to feed my kid? Perhaps I will call it my common sense kit...and God help the husband who removes anything from it...

Alan Anderson said...

The tackle box is a great idea. I will have to go get one and plan a vacation so I can use it!!

We hope all goes well at your appointment.

Have fun on vacation!!


Mandy said...

Is that a picture for the calendar next year I hope? He looks sooo handsome as he does in EVERY picture. I so want to meet you guys in person. We are so close. Let me know if I can be useful and help you with something or just come visit!! Have a great trip!

Trina and Jophie said...

Ah I do the same thing girlie! The soft siders tackle boxes that is....I also use the EMT first responder bags....I used to work on the squad so had access to those prior to Jophie....Now search em out on ebay. You can get them fairly cheap if they are EMPTY ;) Course who would have what we need for our kiddos in those bags? LOL

Have a good day and enjoy your trip!

I enjoyed reading Jaxson mini saga ;)

Melissa said...

What an AWESOME idea Lacey;) I'll have to keep that in mind for the next time I take a big trip! You're soo smart IN SOO MANY AREAS!!!!

I'm so excited for your deserve it & I hope you have the best time!!