Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cardiology appointment

We had Jax cardiology and echo today. His echo looked really good for him. Both valves are leaking like always, but the left side that they thought was leaking more is not. Nothing that needs to be taken care of right now. They really didn't measure his pulmonary pressures. Which I know their not looking for that, but why not check it while your in there. But he calculated it to be around 40, which is not bad at all. We are going to get rid of a med to. Yeah, one down, about 12 to go. His heart is pumping really strong so he discontinued his Enalipril. They also didn't see any clots in there. So the narrowing of his SVC is from old clots. This is all great news because I can go on vacation and feel like he is ok. I mean you never know with him, but I do feel better about going knowing that he's not clotting on blood thinners. They think that having RSV just wreaked havoc on his heart and the SVC vein and make everything back up into his neck. Even though he handled the RSV better than I thought he would, it makes his heart work harder and enlarge.
Jax getting his echo

Its kind of hard to see but if you look close you can see Jax new medical bracelet. Its super cute, and if fits his tiny hand.

Don't forget to go over to the Blankie site and request a blankie for a child you know. My heart is bursting because people are donating to the blankie fund. This helps us so much, to give the blankies to the kids. But I need some more requests, I haven't had anyone use my form on the blankie site yet, come on, I figured that out all by myself so go use it!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled it was good news today. He's so lovable!

The VW's said...

Great news on his heart! This made my day! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I filled out your form.. woohoo!!!!
Great news on the Jax man!
Hugs, Stephanie.

Junior said...

Good news, that is soooo wonderful.
His bracelet is very cute.

Oh yes, I will be sure to take lots of pics of Junior with his blanket.
I am not going to tell him about it so he will be surprised. He will be so very excited. Thank you, thank you , thank you.
Hugs, Heidi

Heather said...

Super news on the echo.Now you can take a breath and come west!Check your pay pal ....

Anonymous said...

Hello dear Jaxson and Family, Im super delighted to hear that the echo went well today! I have been praying for you and put you on our mothers prayers list, it's a bunch of our friends who are all moms and once a week when do a prayer request to each other - its really uplifting.. So Jaxson your already a super star in South Africa - he he he he... Thanks so much for the lovely message on our blog and yes we do a pool (only got it about a month ago) its very nice and we spend alot of time outdoors... Sending you lots of massive hugs! God bless! Megan and Keaton

Michelle said...

what wonderful news to get from a cardiology visit!

Stephanie said...

Aiden's primary cardio was pushing for the surgery; his secondary cardio (who knows Aiden's heart just as much as the primary) is the one who has the doubts.