Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who needs sleep?

This may become Jax permanent bed.

This is where he ends up every night for the past week. I don't know what his story is. He used to wake up several times a night but he would just lay in bed and look around before finally going back to sleep. Then we found the sleep apnea and we turned his oxygen up at night he started sleeping all night. But now he wakes up crying. I turn on his mobile and he'll stop for a few minutes and start up again.
At first I wondered if he was not sleeping because he'd been in the hospital so much lately, that it was messing him up. But its been to long for that. It could be that he's not pooping good lately either. He won't go at all without a suppository. Thats not good because eventually we are going to ruin his heiny.
Good news though, as of tomorrow we will be on full bolus feeds. Yeah, we've been moving up really slow because he's been on continous for so long.
I'm waiting for a few blankies to reach their destinations and then I will let you know that they are posted on the Blankie blog so you can meet the cute kids and see their blankies.


Anonymous said...

Oh how we are soooo familiar with sleeping in the swing. My 2nd lived in his swing because of reflux and several nights have been spent sleeping on my couch when Preslie has an ear infection, throat infection, etc and sleeps better in her swing. I feel your pain!!!!! But if that's where she'll sleep, I let her. As a matter of fact she takes all her naps in the swing because I am too afraid to leave her upstairs inbed without me day I'll learn to let day!

Kim said...

Prayers that he can get his sleeping pattern back. He is such a trooper and has been through so much.

Junior said...

Love the sleeping picture, so adorable asleep in his swing.
Sure hope you can figure out whats up and get him back to sleeping like he used to.

Hope for congenital diaphragmatic hernia said...

Lacey I'm surprised he still fits in the swing! He does look comfy though. Are you sleeping at all? Great news about his feeds. Good, good, good!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh he looks so peaceful in his little swing...... One thing i have learned about being a parent is "dont mind where they fall asleep just dont wake them up!" he he he.... So happy his feeds are going well.... Okay then have a great weekend... Megan and Keaton

The VW's said...

Swings are one of the GREATEST inventions ever! Sorry he's not sleeping well! Great news on the bolus feeds! Gavin's sleep schedule has been weird too. I'm wondering if it has to do with the time change, plus being in the hospital???

Melissa said...

Jax, you look so sweet sleeping in that swing! I do hope you get back to a better pattern though;)

I have an award for you Lacey...You are so amazing!

Blessed with Boys said...

We LOVE the swing!!! Malachi is to big for ours at home, but we love the one at grandmas!! Im so happy that Jaxs is almost back to normal feeds, thats great!! We are back in the hospital for the flu and they are worried about his vision now too! Does it ever end? haha, I know you can totally sympathize with me! Have a great weekend!!

Kim Rees said...

Man, that stinks that his sleeping is off. I pray that he gets back on track in a hurry so you can also get the rest you need. He looks so content in the swing. You know I say whatever it takes sometimes. Jax is definitely a little fighter and he will get back on track in no time I'm sure. Hang in there!

Blessed with Boys said...

Yes his eyes do move back and forth a lot. He smiles at us, looks at toys and reaches for them. I think he can see, to what extent, im not sure.He is having the probe test tomorrow morning so we should know more then! Does Jaxs have vision loss? Or are they not sure? It is amazing what these little kids have to go through! They are truly my heros!!!