Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Big boy

Today with our physical therapist, Sunel, we worked on tummy time because his head control is getting better. I had to grab my camera and catch my big boy showing off.

Here's to his cardiologist that thinks he doesn't have a quality of life and his brain injury has taken him away, well we are getting him back.


Pam said...

That is HUGE!!! Oh I just want to squeeze him. What an awesome show em Jax!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!! GREAT JOB JAXSON!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

xoxoxoxo <3


Anonymous said...

Ok so I just watched your other video about Jaxson's fight chapter 1 and I was in tears!!! He is such a handsome little man and what a FIGHTER he is too!!! Wow!! He has been through ALL of that and still continues to AMAZE everyone.....



The VW's said...

WOW!! Great job Jaxson! You do a better job of that than Gavin does! I'm so proud of you and excited for your Momma! YAY!!!

Junior said...

Way to go Jaxson, keep showing those docs what a strong boy you are.

Alan Anderson said...

That is awesome Jaxson!! Keep up the great work - way to prove the doctors wrong!!


Anonymous said...

Jaxson I am SOOO proud of you...what a great moment and I am so glad you shared that! That cardiologist has no idea what he/she is talking about, no idea at all. Jaxson is a blessing, an angel and a fighter...we love him!

Anonymous said...

Way to go big boy!Keeping working hard buddy, show those doctors that a degree doesn't mean anything! HUGS!!!
Angela and Phenny

My name is Sarah said...

Wow, that is exciting. Good job Jaxson!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jaxson!!! And talking while you are doing it. Woo!Hoo!



Anonymous said...

Go Jaxson!!!!!

Adam, Jaci, Grant, Grace and Amelia said...

WAHOO! I am so proud of you Jax! tell that cardiologist of yours that I have a few choice words for him/her!!!!

Stephanie said...

So proud!!!

Blessed with Boys said...

Way to go Jaxson!!! You are getting so strong!Keep up the great work and prove all those docs wrong!!

Dustin and Kelly said...

Lacey, that is AWESOME!!! I've been reading the posts about everything little Jaxon has been through. He truly is a miracle, especially to see this in spite of the incredible things he has endured! I hope you get nothing but good news from the medical community soon and have a wonderful time on your vacation! You deserve it!!

Way to go Jax!!

Christine said...

Hooray for Jaxson!!! Awesome job!

Melissa said...

JAXSON I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! That was just so awesome! You go boy & prove them ALL wrong! I had to watch that again because I'm just so happy for you;)

Cammie Heflin said...

Way to go JAXON!!! What a great job! WOo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

Thats so awesome!
I'm glad to see he is working so hard. He is doing so well!
He is such a cute little boy!