Monday, April 6, 2009

First vacation pics

Legoland, were we are staying in Vegas on our way home, made out of legos.

Sea World.

Jax and the boys looking at Shamu

My favorite pix, Carter and Shamu.

This lady comes often, and she brings a book that has whales on it. Shamu came right over and interacted with her and her toys she brought. It was so cool.

The boys favorite. The sea turtles.


Junior said...

Great pictures, looks like everyone is having a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics...we are scheduled to go in May...makes me look forward to it even more! HOpe you guys are having the BEST all deserve it. Be safe!!

Rioux Family said...

My favorite place in the world!

My name is Sarah said...

Looks like so much fun. Shamu used to live around the corner from us, until they closed SeaWorld. I miss him.

The VW's said...

Looks like lots of fun!!! Hope you guys continue to have a great time!! The weather looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jax and Family, your photos look stunning! Wow - what an amazing experience! When we went to Las Vegas we stayed at Treasure Island - it is Stunning!!! Hope you have a great time! Travel Safely! Megan and Keaton

Blessed with Boys said...

How is vacation going? I am missing your posts! How is Jax doing??

debi9kids said...

That looks like such a great place to stay :)

Just popping over from a friend's blog that happened to have your button. I will be adding your sweet guy to my prayer list and buttons as well.

Melissa said...

I'm so glad that you are having such a great time...GOOD FOR YOU!!

Enjoy the rest of the stay!!

Kim Rees said...

Glad to see you are getting some much needed R & R! Have fun!