
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words!

A picture is worth a thousand words, and that's why I posted a bunch today!
This pretty much sums up our weekend in San Diego,

A whole lot of relaxing!

A whole lot of beauty!

And a whole lot of this!!

I'm really hoping the last two weeks of August are better than the first two! I'm feeling refreshed after our weekend, and super grateful as well! Grateful that Jax misplaced GJ tube is still working. I didn't want it replaced at UCLA, where his GI is, because they wanted to sedate him, and wouldn't do it any other way. I called Childrens hospital Los Angeles, and they won't make me sedate him. In fact, they agree with me that anesthesia is always a risk, especially for a fragile child!
The problem has been getting the order sent to CHLA. They finally got it Friday, but because its a different hospital, they need their paperwork filled out. I'm still waiting for that to get filled out by his doc and sent back. It magically seems to have unkinked itself, because I'm no longer getting resistance when pushing meds. It hasn't pushed back to his stomach yet, and he is still tolerating feeds ok. With kids starting school this week, I just don't have time for an admission to get a tube change. I just pray the tube continues to work until we can get it changed at CHLA!

Now, back to my beautiful babies!!


  1. Could your boys be more in love with Arina?? She's definitely a princess and they look like amazing big brothers!

  2. Gosh, they love Arina don't they! Such sweet pics, love the last one!

  3. Oh my that first pic is awesome! Love how your boys totally love their baby sister!

  4. Beautiful pictures! I always love reading your good news and seeing your beautiful family!

  5. awwww..these pictures are priceless, they look cute.The babies are surely having a great time, you have a wonderful family :)

  6. Love this sneak peek into your world! So much love! Smiles

  7. love the pics! glad you have 2 children's hospitals!

  8. fabulous pics Lacey, looks like everyone is having fun.

  9. They are beautiful! I love seeing them cuddle and interact. Doesn't it just melt your heart as a mom? Siblings are the best :-)

  10. Love the pictures! Hope these next two weeks are UNeventful!

    Tammy and Parker

  11. Hello, your photos of your babes always look so gorgeous, what sort of camera do you have? Is it a regular SLR by Nikon or Cannon? I have a Nikon D3100 that I bought to take pictures of my children but my pictures don't even come close to being as beautiful as yours! Do you think you could recommend a setting to use for outdoor pictures?

  12. Glad you had a great weekend away! Love the pics!

  13. Anonymous, email me at My hubby is the camera man for the most part. Its a canon 60D and he knows all the settings. Me, I just put it on auto and shoot!!
