
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blankie bonanza!

In one week we will be back in Utah! I'm so excited, we haven't been home since last November when we picked up our stuff! That is a long time to be away from the place you lived for over 30 years!
The blankie's are taking off like crazy. I have 8 blankie's in adoption auctions right now, and one little boy should have just received his Spider Man blankie! The blankie blog is still a mess, as I'm still trying to hunt someone down that can fix it. But if you hover your mouse over the box on top on the right side, you will see that it is the blankie request form. This is what you fill out to request a blankie for needy child.
In Utah, we have this small, family owned fabric store. They have material that I never see anywhere else. They also have a huge supply of the thread I like to use to crochet with. Its bright and fun, and I can never find it anywhere else. I did just find some online, but then of course you have to pay shipping. While in Utah, I'd like to go to the Fabric center and stock up on supplies. Hopefully I can find a small store here in California, but so far its been a bust!
So you'll notice I put a chipin up on the sidebar. I am putting it up only for a week. I thought now would be a good time to fundraise, so that when I go to Utah next week, I'll have the money all at one time to stock up on supplies I can't find here. Please don't feel like you have to donate. If you would like to donate to our blankie fund, we would really appreciate your help!!

Also, we'd like to thank reader Sue! She sent us enough fabric to make 4 blankies, that was a huge help, thank you so much Sue!!


  1. You are very welcome. There should be more sales coming up, so I'll send more along as they do.

  2. I'll be back when I have time to offer my services to help with the blog! I'd love to fix it up, I'm just quite busy with design work this week.
