
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Video's of a princess

I find it ironic that on the very last day of July, I posted that I got my new sewing machine up, and then Aug 1st was the start of what's been the month of hell! Its ironic because crocheting my blankets has always been a big stress reliever, and I got that baby up just in time!!

I feel like I've done nothing but scream at people all month long! I'm not going to go into the boring details, so here's the rundown. An ER trip with Jax. A tube that needs to be replaced, and an IR department that thinks he needs anesthesia for a 5 minute tube change. When I finally got them to just have them on standby, they still want me there for a two hour pre-op! I finally called his other childrens hospital, that agrees that he doesn't need sedation, so we are going there! A CT with contrast, that they also think he needs anesthesia for. A son that has now missed a week of high school because they won't enroll him without his old, no longer needed IEP. A 20,000 nursing bill that I am STILL fighting! I've contacted the Utah state insurance board, and they are helping me get this taken care of! A lifesaving med that Jax has now been a month without, because insurance continues to deny coverage.
Needless to say, I'm ready for August to be over! This weekend, we are heading to San Diego to swim, swim, swim! I am leaving all things medical behind, and I'm out of here!

We'll leave it to the princess to bring a smile to our face's.
First is her showing off her signs. That is, all the signs that she can do in the five minutes she'll sit still! She actually has many more, thanks to her much used Signing Time!


  1. I am sorry you have such a wretched month. If the life saving med is xopenex you can get some coverage help from this organization:

  2. Your second video is marked private and I was unable to view. I really enjoy reading your blog!

  3. Sorry for the rough month. :-( I hope you have a fantastic vacation in San Diego!! Those videos were awesome! I loooove your kids, and that little princess of yours...oh, my, sooooo sweet!!

  4. Loved the videos, that girl makes me smile!

  5. Sounds very craptastic, Lacey...I'm so sorry. It must be in the air...this has been a rough month here as well.

  6. Wow - nice signing Arina! Hoping someday Max gets with the program ;)
