
Saturday, October 3, 2009

corn mazes and haunted houses

I do love the holiday season. I just hate the snow and the cold. For me it starts with Halloween, and then its nonstop till Christmas.
We've been trying to do stuff with the other boys since they are now off track and don't have school to worry about. And they get so left behind with Jax being in and out of the hospital and so sick. And me and daddy trying to make tough decisions about Jax. I showed the boys pics of some bloggy friends that are trached. To show them what Jax would look like. They didn't even blink. They were like, ok cool, we can deal with that. I don't think anything surprises them anymore, and they know way to much medical stuff for their age's. I went out and bought another thing of rubbermaid drawers to put in Jax closet. I'm preparing for the trach, hoping it will make me feel better about doing it. I also looked at port-a-cribs in case Jax ends up in our room. I just don't know if I'll hear him in the other room with no voice. I heard we don't get nursing care unless they are vented at night and we don't know yet if Jax will need to be vented.
The other day when I was at the craft store I found this cute haunted house that I thought the boys would love to make. Last night they put it together. Of course Tanner didn't help. He still prefers to just play by himself.
Tonight Jax went to play with aunt Krissy while we took the other boys out. We went to dinner at our favorite chinese restaurant, then went to the corn maze. Man I wish I took my camera. We had tons of fun with the boys. There are two mazes, a haunted one and a regular one. Of course we couldn't get the boys in the haunted one. But it didn't matter because toward the end you can hear the chainsaw guy, and we were teasing the boys that he was coming. Plus jumping out of the corn always gets them. (Yes we are horrible parents)
But I snapped some pics of Jax when the boys were putting their haunted house together.

I couldn't resist a cute butt pic when he rolls on his side.


  1. We were at Chin Wah too. Kenna and I went on a date, saw the Toy Story movies and went for dinner after. Funny that we went to the same place!!!

  2. What IS that boy gonna do with no O's to munch???

    Guess he's going to have to find a new hobby.

    Oooohhhh.. I bet his little naked face is just so cute!

  3. Oh, and just prepare yoourself. The co-sleeping is probably going to be a real time saver. Once Jax is trached and can breathe easier, he'll probably sleep better too.
    And you'll still be up every hour making sure he's still

    Funny how that works.

  4. Sounds like you've had some good days.

    Whenever Emma sees I'm reading your blog she comes over and says 'That's Jaxson'.

    My girls know way too much medical stuff as well - when they were younger their Baby Born used to have an NG tube!

  5. Aw, love the pictures of Jax in his baby Gap shirt!!!! And that haunted house is the coolest.

    As far as the trach, I pray that your preparation helps you with this big step. Think of how much it will help Jaxson. I would definitely go the cosleeping route for your own peace of mind.

  6. Fall is so much fun! I can't wait to take the kids to the pumpkin farm/maze! Sounds like everyone had a great time. Glad you were able to do that!

  7. Gotta love the baby butt pictures! (I know I'm guilty of it too LOL)

    I need to take Aiden out and do some fall pictures, but alas we're in for another week of rain and then surgery (for me).

  8. The boys did a wonderful job on their haunted house! LOVE the Jax booty picture... baby bums are darling! So glad you've been able to relax a little and enjoy some time out.

  9. I have never been to a corn maze - we're going to have to go this year. But I love those crafty holiday houses! I actually need to do some repairs on our haunted mansion we made last year.

  10. I LOVE Jaxson's pictures. He looks good. :)

  11. I think it's great that you spent time with the bigger boys, while Jaxson was off with his aunt. :) The corn maze sounds like fun! He looks good in his pictures, and I do love some baby bum!

  12. CUTE, CUTE PICTURES!!! Glad to hear that you were able to get out and have some fun!

  13. How FUN! You guys should come up here for Halloween night. Our neighborhood does a big 'to do' with doughnuts, chili roast, big fire pits, etc. Love the Halloween house the boys did! That's too funny about the corn maze. I am a BIG wuss too when it comes to haunted stuff! :) We need to do CPK soon!! I'll email ya!

  14. Sounds like a a pleasant change. Your big boys are so cool, they are great big brothers.

  15. I love the pics of Jax! So sweet as usual! So glad you, your hubby and the boys got out to have some Halloween fun. That is so funny about the chainsaw guy! Kids are so gullible at times. Glad you had a great time.

  16. AWE, Love the pictures of Jax, super adorable!

    That came out great;) I love this time of the year too...glad that you're able to get out & enjoy.

  17. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Jax looks great! Hopefully these recent medical interventions will get him on a path to some relief and recovery. You all deserve it.

  18. I must say! That is a very cute booty! Give little man big loves from us. You are always in our thoughts and prayers!

  19. Oh Goodness what a Cutie...flash backs to when My Jonathan was that age. Jonathan is now 19....outlived his prognosis by almost 10 years now and such a wonderful young man he has grown into....that extra special chromosome has done him proud!
    HUgs and prayers we are now dealing with the possibility of a trach sometime in the future for our youngest daughter now almost 6 with Leigh's disease. The prospect is full of hope and fear all muddled together!
    Much love to you

  20. Sounds like fun was had by all. They did a great job on the haunted house!

    Smart move on the rubbermaid drawers, will def come in handy.

    A baby monitor would work well for hearing him...although I did sleep in the same room with Lillian (our living room) for a long time bc I didn't have one. I don't understand the nursing thing, bc we were still able to get one without Lillian being on a vent. Dang insurance companies. Hang in there, Momma....I'm praying for you.

    October 13th is the day we will find out if the trach comes out.

  21. I love Halloween too. I've got to get to our local pumpkin patch and corn maze. They have the BEST apple donuts there too as it's an orchard as well. Enjoy the good stuff.
