
Friday, January 9, 2009

My so big boy!

My big boy sittin in his big boy chair, with a little help from mommy's hands.

Oh, so tired, can't hold the head up anymore.

I look like I have no body and really long legs.


  1. Jaxson that is a very cool chair, you look like such a big guy sitting in it.

  2. I had to laugh at the tape with his name on it in the picture...we have those all over our house too.

    Gotta love it.

    He looks so big sitting in his chair, and I am so glad that he came through the anesthesia with flying colors.

    We go up on Monday and Rhett will go under for dental work, a bronch, and an echo.


    I also wanted to let you know that we won't be to the Hope Kids event tomorrow.

    Rhett had an accident at the store tonight, and I think we are both a little too traumatized to go.

    Give Jaxson a hug for me and hopefully we can meet up at next months activity or maybe sooner.


  3. He is such a cutie pie! We love bumbo seats!

  4. He looks so cute and doing so good. I am glad the test went well
    angie and mariah

  5. Jaxson you are too darn cute! What a big boy!!! I just want to kiss those cheakers!!!!

    Dillon had the same chair & he adored it for so long! Great muscle builder as you know;) I recall Dillon's head bobbing away in the begging...Gosh, feels like yesterday...
    Have a great weekend:)

  6. Yeah Jaxson! You keep working hard. You are a joy!!!

  7. We are in Lodi which is just south of Sacramento.

  8. Way to go Mr.Jaxson.Your girlfriend here in California has a matching pink one.She sure could use a buddy to sit beside and pass the time with ...maybe one day.Wouldn't that be nice?
