
Saturday, January 10, 2009

blogger changes

I'm trying to change my blog around and I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. If anyone knows any of these answers let me know. I'm trying to stretch the title picture out a little. I also want the template that some people have with sidebars on both sides, but I can't find it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Sorry I don't know a lot about changing things. I love your header, how did you do that.
    I went to
    and it walked me through turning it into a three column blog. You have to scroll down the blog and it is on the right side towards the bottom.
    The other place I found for great tips was (the offer free backgrounds, ect..

  2. Oh my gosh ... wrong person to ask.I was just struggling on how to add a button to my side bar right before I came here.I have to wrangle in the computer literate around here to help me with anything technical.Sorry.But you have a great start so far.
