
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Funny funny

I had to post this pic. This is my SON Carter. I had this bow that came on some holiday m&ms and I had to give it a try.

Hey, I don't have any girls, can't I have a little fun too.
He was a great sport and even let me take pics. He loves his long hair he thinks he looks like a skater dude.(Yes he is a kindergartner)His nickname is Dupree. If you met him in person you would know the resemblance.

I had to buy these jams for Jax for two reasons. They were super cute for Valentines day, and they had Mickey on them. But the biggest size they had was a 6-9 months. And yes they fit him.

How sad is it that my three year old fits in 6-9 month clothes still.

He woke up with major stridor this morning. I attribute it to the two tubes down his throat yesterday. If he wakes up with it tommorow or his oxygen need goes up we will be going back in. I worry because he has had paralized vocal cords that almost got him trached. They are just starting to move well again so I hope this doesn't cause problems.

Nite nite everyone. Jax


  1. Tooooo funny.
    Love Jaxson's new pjs.

  2. Very cute picture. I think I have a picture of Cody with his hair in a ponytail as well. Must be a mommy with all boys thing.

    Sending prayers your way that Jaxson's strider is gone. Carson had severe strider after his first surgery and I didn't know about it until his second surgery three weeks later. Guess everyone forgot to tell me.

  3. This is Joyce. Yah Carter!!! You and my Matt could get along just great. Lacey, I hope you don't mind I copied your awareness ribbon and put it on Sarah's sidebar today. I also gave you a little shout out in our post today. Your little Jaxson is such a miracle. Reading about him is so uplifting.

  4. Hi there! I just 'found' you on Heather and Zoey's blog. I just wanted to say hi and invite you to my son Gavin's blog. After reading some of your blog, it looks to me that our boys have a lot in common! Gavin was born with DS, heart defects and pulmonary issues. He also suffered a stroke that has left him at a 1-3 month level and with a seizure disorder. It's been a hard road, as you must know, but we love him more than anything!

    Your handsome Jaxson is such a sweetheart! Your other boys too! Did I count right? Do you have 4 boys? If so, there's another thing we have in common! I have 4 boys, of which Gavin is the youngest. Hang in there! I'll be coming back to stare at your guy real soon! He is too cute!

    Oh, I just cut my son's hair lastnight, even though he did not want me to. I told him that if he didn't let me cut it, I was going to make him wear barretts to school today! Being almost 13, he decided that a hair cut was a much better idea! So, I love the picture of your son with a pony tail! Thanks for the laugh!

    Hugs from Michigan,
    Alicia and Gavin

  5. I'm so glad I found your blog! Jaxon is precious, my Addy also had numerous health issues, including PH so I can relate, Jax is beautiful!
