
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Where has my baby gone?

What has happened to my itty bitty baby girl?
She's turned into a big, beautiful 4 year old, that's what!

I'm still in awe of the fact that I'm able to raise this beautiful girl and call her my own. What a long, hard process it was to bring her home!
But I can't believe how big she's getting. Having a little girl has been everything I ever dreamed it would be! The bows, the princesses, the pink! Its all amazing!

These pictures from our last couple trips to Disney has made me realize how grown up she is! We've been taking her leash with us to Disneyland. Its much easier when she gets out of her stroller. But she wanted to stay out and walk with her cousin the other day. And guess what? She walked through the entire park! Without dropping, without pulling. She walked like a big girl!

Our princess is making some big strides in preschool! She gets two more years here with the same teacher because she just misses the deadline. I love that because she really does well with this teacher, and I think when its time to go to kindergarten, she'll be ready!
(warning: mommy talk coming!)
She's also getting closer to potty training! She's pooped in the potty a couple times, which is usually the hardest part! Still working on her telling us she needs to go, but its progress!

I love love love my baby girl so much! I can't wait to see our future. Shopping together and talking about boys!
Ah I love little girls!

(by the way, I have no idea why my computer won't let me make my last three pictures bigger! Let me just say that windows 8 makes me want to throw my computer through a brick wall! )

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