
Friday, September 20, 2013

The great Disney freak out!

It was the blog heard round the disabled communities world!
Disney is getting rid of their guest assistance pass!
One person saw the article, blogged about it. Word spread, people flipped out, petitions started and passed around! Before we even know the truth, and what's really happening! It amazes me how quickly people sign petitions without doing research! Kinda scary!

I know I'm going to be the minority, but also the calm person (that didnt flip when they heard this) and a Disney expert!
I was at Disneyland last week, renewing Jax pass when I heard a cast member tell a lady that they were going to be changing their GAP! 
"Oh really?" I was super excited to hear that! Everyone has heard the news stories about the rich people hiring disabled people. But you must understand that it goes much farther than that! The abuse is beyond crazy right now! A lot of the handicap lines are getting longer than the typical lines! I see this on a weekly basis, because that's how often we are at the park! 
Here are the big problems. Disney can NOT ask for proof of disability. This would by far be the easiest way to weed out the abusers. But the ADA says they can't do that! I'm all for bringing in proof of Jax disability! But disabled people screamed that they shouldn't have to show proof, now they are screaming because something has to change because of abuse! 
The other big myth..Disney NEVER offered a "front of the line" pass. Someone called it that, spread the word, and you know where it went from there! Where we are now! They have a pass that will make your stroller like a wheelchair. They also have an alternative entrance, away from the crowds of people. But no pass will jump you to the front. None! 

Disney is not doing away with their disability program, their just changing it. Now I don't know the entire change. I'm not going based off what some website says! I have a few Disney friends, and I'm trying to get true info. Most don't know yet because they haven't started training. But people think they will now have to wait in line. That is not true, you still go to the same entrance you went to before. 
Do I think this new system is ideal? Not at all! I also don't think it will deter abusers. They will simply follow the new system and continue to abuse. 
But Disney is stuck between a rock and a hard place! They need a change, but the easiest way to fix the problem, by law, they cannot do! I can only hope that they can come up with a good way for us to enjoy the park, and keep the idiots from abusing! But I'm not sure if there is such a plan! 
So before we all flip a lid, lets find out what the new system entails! Let me try it out and I'll let everyone know how it is! 

Remember, I have three special needs kidos! I should be totally flipping out with this news. But life with Jax has never been easy! It's not easy at Disney either! Most times we have to wait longer, to wait for a special vehicle. Transferring Jax to a ride with no handicap vehicle is a workout! Disconnecting tubes and carrying his extras with us. We need extra time to get on. The Haunted mansion this time of year is a nightmare for us! Only so many wheelchairs can be in the ride at one time, so often we have to wait more than double the time everyone else waits. I have a little girl that is not only a runner, but a bolter! But Disney is still a magical place for us! It frustrates me so much when these parents flip out, thinking their entitled to bypass everyone waiting in line and step right in. It just doesn't work that way! 
Disney tries their hardest to make the lines as short as possible for us with kids that have sensory issues and body temperature problems! 
I think Disney is trying their best, and I for one am willing to wait and give the new system a try! I have a friend deep in Disney and that person is always asking for our feedback on what works and what doesn't. And you better believe if the new system doesn't work, we'll be sure to let them know!


  1. That blew up my FB page too.... And it was the people who didn't research it.. I found a few pages that had the information and posted them... We leave for DW in about 6 weeks. This will be the first time we will be using a disability pass. My husband is disabled (TBI from strokes).. He will use a scooter this year. My soon to be 4 y/o is on the spectrum but we never used the pass on our other trips for him.. We just occupied him and went when it wasn't crowded... I am not sure how this is all going to work out but for our sakes, I hope all the bugs are worked out by the time I get there...

    1. If your son still sits in a stroller, and you have to use a handicap pass for your hubby, just leave your son in the stroller as well. We have the pass for Jax but we leave Arina in the stroller as well because she is a runner!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We only got it one time in our lives... That was on Gators wish trip. We don't ever get to do that again. One time is all. The abuse drives me crazy... I hope for you that the changes make things better... It sounds like if people really do need it they aren't freaking out.. It's the people that fence sit on needs that freak out.. Maybe they should be thrilled instead..

  4. We will be bringing the stroller. He is a runner too.. I just hope the new way is running smoothly when we get there in the middle of November. Thank you for the tip!!!!
