
Monday, July 1, 2013


Once again I've neglected the blog! 
And when I was just thinking of a new post, I just saw that a beautiful adopted princess has earned her angel wings. 

Adoption itself is not for the faint of heart. It can be a long, grueling, heartbreaking process! But to adopt a child that has medical problems, is even more fulfilling! Knowing that the sweet child now not only has good medical care, but a family to hold their hand and give them the world, is simply amazing! We were lucky that Arina was as healthy as she is! We were told she had a heart defect, but when we got her home it had repaired itself. There is a very real chance that she could have had a defect that was severe, or had gone unrepaired for so long that the repair is now high risk! 

My heart breaks and is joyous at the same time! Her story is so similar to the story of beautiful Chrissie! Remember that? My heart breaks for the loss of the child, and that the family now has to deal with their child being gone. But my heart is joyful to see everything these princesses got to experience with their forever families! Someone was their to hold their little hands as they took their last breath! They weren't alone in an orphanage or institution!

Sweet Teresa, the tiara that you now wear is the biggest and most beautiful of all!

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