
Monday, July 8, 2013

A Utah trip!!

Even though we technically only got a week of summer vacation (booo) we are still having tons of fun! Carter went back to school today, and he is our only one still on track schedules! It stinks big time!!

Besides our near weekly trip to Disneyland, we've been playing with lots of friends. And of course it's All stars time, so we've been doing a TON of baseball!
Today we have an appointment with the surgeon for a pre op, and Friday Jax is having his port placed. Hopefully our labs today will be the last set of labs requiring a poke! After his port no more pokes digging for blood! It will be such a relief to have, and it should be an outpatient procedure. That is if little man behaves himself!
Monday of next week we are heading to Utah! We were supposed to go to the conference in Denver first, but when daddy didn't get the time off we cancelled our hotel room. Then daddy got a couple days, but not the whole time and we decided it wasn't worth driving all the way there for two days. So we'll just go straight to Utah! I'm so excited to go home! If any Utah friends want to get together email me and we'll set up a time and place!


  1. I totally want to see you! MayLee's spinal cord release surgery is next week. When you coming?

  2. Hope you have fun on your trip! : )

  3. Love the love happening in that last photo!
