
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wow, time flies when your a busy momma! 
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! I spent mine at my favorite place with my favorite people! Disneyland with my family! 
I rarely have time to even get on the computer anymore! My online time is usually from my phone, like I am right now! It's only going to get busier with summer, and Jax surgery Thursday. We had our pre-op appointment yesterday. Everything is a go. He is having me consent to a central line, as he's sure he will put one in. He also didn't give me a length of surgery time or recovery time, as that all depends on the little man and how he cooperates! Thursday morning we check in bright and early at 5:30 pacific time. I will update here as much as possible. Most will be on his Facebook page, 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of your cuties! Praying Jax's surgery goes well! Hugs!
