
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Jax is out if surgery and doing well. Even though I told anesthesia, they took him off the vent in post op. his respirations were double what they normally are, so I told them to put him back on. He immediately went back down to baseline.  4 hours later and he is still super groggy. He wakes up long enough to thrash, and make faces, and he goes back out. When he wakes up he retracts a lot and his little nostrils flare, even on the vent, so we'll see how he does when he really wakes up. 
His surgeon is really great, when he came back to post op and saw we put him back on the vent, he told the nurse to make sure she listens to mommy. That I can spot a problem even before they can. Such a refreshing change of attitude from a doctor! 
Just hoping for an uneventful evening and night!


  1. So glad to hear that he is out of surgery and that the surgeon realizes that sometimes Mommy's know best. :)

  2. that's good Lacey. Good luck tonight!
