
Monday, May 21, 2012

We're baack!

We are back from our little getaway. Back and ready to face the world again. With an another hospital stay coming up in a couple weeks. (although I'm loving the planned hospital stays! Not so much crazy rush!) Back to the whirlwind of doctors appointments, mixed in with baseball and karate!
Whew, jumping in head first for sure!

We had so much fun! We danced with Mickey,

met new boyfriends,

oh, the boyfriend came back and decided that they needed their own booth.

soon joined by Chip

Jaxson got undivided attention from Rafiki. He sat with him all through breakfast!
I would love so much to talk to the people under the costumes. I bet we have a lot in common. I always wonder if they have a special needs child themselves!

We gave kisses on noses,

Rafiki is still there, holding Jaxson's hand!

We got our hair messed up by an alien,

had a staring contest with Pluto,

paddled canoe's,

but most of all, we swam,

and we relaxed!

Who's the prettiest princess of all??

Oh ya, you know its Arina!!


  1. looks like you guys had a fantastic time. Awesome pictures.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures!! I confess I've been checking every day to see if you had posted some pics. They made me smile. I'm so glad you had a good time.

  3. Looks like you had tons of fun! Love the pics! You are so lucky to live so close to Disney! I would love to be able to just drive there and get a happy fix every once in awhile!

  4. How FUN!! The photos make me feel like I was there. Wow, I don't think Arina could possibly look any more excited! LOVE her. :-)

  5. love!!
    I swear I say it all the time, but I just love Arina!
