
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A few days off

Jaxson had his barium enema on Monday. Man that kid can make any test interesting! He did really good at the beginning. Towards the end of the test, when they were taking still x-rays, his face started to lose color. It was so weird, I had never seen him do this before. Soon he was gagging and retching. He continued to retch all night, and was a yucky, grey color! Luckily he didn't aspirate!
The test led us to no answers. The good news is he doesn't have hirshprungs, which would have to be surgically repaired. She is not happy with just continuing the suppositories, but there isn't much more we can do. He just has super slow motility.

Tonight we are heading to the Disneyland hotel for a few nights.
I know, it is a mere 30 minute drive from our house to Disneyland, but we needed to get away from the stresses of life. No baseball, karate, or tutoring. No doctors appointments in the Los Angeles traffic. No moving again for a LONG time! And I actually feel better being close to home, so if I forget something for Jax, we can just run home and get it!

Just a whole lot more of this, and we are super excited about it!!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  2. We were there in March for 3 days and loved what they have done to the hotel. I love Disneyland and totally understand when you say you just need to get away even if your house is close. We are about 3-1/2 hours away and when you are at Disneyland you forget the rest of the world exists and just enjoy yourself! It is like it re-charges your batteries! Have a great time, you deserve it!
