
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My last post about being happily busy with life? Well thats been taken to a whole new level! We moved over the weekend, Ray's back windshield was shattered, and i havent even had time to breathe. Im posting on my phone until we get internet, which should be tomorrow. Then i will post pics of Arina's new room! She finally gets her table and chairs set up that have been in the box since her birthday in September. Lets just say she LOVEs them!

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  1. Moving is such hard work! You should be a pro at it by now! Hope you can stay at this place for a long while! Hope things settle down for you too!

  2. Hang in there Lacey. I'm sorry things have been so crazy and hard. When you do have time to breathe, take deep breaths!! ;)
