
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The many faces of a princess!

(Some of these pictures are dark because she was sitting in a window with the light behind her. But she was being too cute to not take pictures!)

I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. A daughter that was born, thrown away by her parents, and left in an orphanage.
I have my daughter because of one amazing person and her ministry, Reece's Rainbow!

A picture is worth a thousand words!


  1. so so cute! Kaelyn has some of those teethy grins. We call them her paranha face, she has some sharp teeth!

  2. Oh, that little girl melts my heart (so do her brothers, btw!). She's grown so, so, so much. RR definitely has done AMAZING things bringing children with absolutely *no* hope of a future home to families that love them and open a whole world of possabilities to them.

  3. Those pictures are so stinkin' cute! I love it! :)

  4. i could look at her all day long!!!! I wish Em would let me do her hair all pretty like that!! You're really good with hair! it's always done do pretty!

  5. Absolutely adorable! I love her hair and cannot believe how grownup she looks.

  6. so CUTE!! holy smokes I love her! I bet she rocks your world everyday! thank you for finding this gem! smiles

  7. Such a cute little girl. Thank heaven there are little miracles in the world.

  8. So adorable!! I love the pictures! My favorite is the 2nd one. I LOVE the look on her face. She's beautiful!!

  9. I've been "lurking" for awhile, came agross your blog hitting the next blog list. I've totally fallen in love with your little girl. She is so adorable, and so obviously loved!

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  10. She is so beautiful! Love all the emotion she shows!

  11. Soooo funny! I love these pictures and I'll especially be referring back to the second picture any time I need my mood lifted!

  12. And all of them cute as can be!!! :)

  13. I miss seeing her sweet face when we would visit. She is such a doll! I am glad to see things are going well for you guys in Cali.
