
Saturday, March 17, 2012

IEP=blah blah blah

I finally had Arina's assessment at the Regional Center. Jaxson's isn't for a couple more weeks. That frustrates me the most simply because Jax has a much higher need than Arina for services.
After all the testing, a lot of laughs at this silly, busy girl. I got the results.
I don't look much at IEP's. Never have.
Jax has never been higher than a 3month old level in any area.
Arina is 30 months old. Does it bother me that she scored 9-11 months in speech? Not in the slightest! 12-15 months in fine motor. No biggy.
Was I ecstatic that she scored 24-27 months in social/emotional. Not really.
IEP's mean nothing to me. Arina is doing amazing! She continues to do new things every day. As long as she is continuing to grow and develop, that's all that matters to me. Who says someone is behind if they don't walk by a certain age? And who says that person is the creator of developmental milestones?
Carter walked at 10 months, Tanner walked at 17 months. That doesn't mean that one child is more special than the other.
I never let this piece of paper make me crazy! I'm so proud of my princess in what she has accomplished so far. And we will continue to teach and push her to be all that she can be!

Jax, on the other hand, is in desperate need of his therapies returned. I work with him, and get him in his stander, but he needs more. Not to make him "learn" more stuff, but to keep his body from deteriorating. The lack of a professional help is really starting to show. He spine is curving more, and his legs are getting more and more crooked. I think a lot of this is going to happen anyway. No matter how much we work with him, he still spends way too much time laying down. He only tolerates small amounts of time upright, and there's not much we can do about that!
But someone has volunteered to take over therapy with Jax until we get a therapist. This particular person has a special bond with Jax already, and is always patient and loving with him.
I personally think she is doing a great job!


  1. She looks to be doing a splendid job. Jax doesn't look so sure though:) Praying that he gets services soon....

  2. iep's are hard to comprehend when the test does not take children at a whole...they are done with strangers and in a cold environment...Maddie understands everything...she just chooses not to participate half the time...she is a observer first...I used to hang on every word of these I tune them out, do not listen and do not read is not worth my energy when I know it is not telling me something I dont already know...I cannot imagine your frustration with Jax not getting the services he and you need right now...time is precious to this guy! I hope it all works out! Ariana must be so stimulating with Jax I bet he just loves it! and she loves that he is always watching!! smiles

  3. Is it looking like the services in CA are going to be better than in Utah? I hope you're able to get what he needs soon! And Arina's a little rock star. :-) She's gonna do just fine!!

  4. I actually despise IEP meetings! They seem to last forever, and it's kinda hard seeing your child's level and lack of progress in black & white right in front of you! To me, they are a waste of mine and Gavin's time! Oh well, it is what it is.

  5. She is doing a wonderful job with her precious brother. Both so very sweet. As to those IEP's, you are SO VERY RIGHT!! Hugs

  6. that's how I feel about the meetings...
    kind of a waste of my time...

  7. Many times when I look at a picture of your children, I smile. I know that if I ever saw them in person (so unlikely, as I'm in NJ), I'd want to give them a big hug. So for the joy they bring me, they are in the 100% percentile, so THERE IEP!!

  8. Arina looks like she is doing a fabulous job until you Jax services again. How frustrating though!
