
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Calling all fellow adoptive parents!

In the year since bringing Arina home, I kept telling myself I was going to transfer all of our adoption friend blogs to this blog. I have failed to do that yet! The other day I tried to add some friends to our blogroll, and it just wouldn't cooperate! So if you are one of our adoption friends, please leave your blog in my comments so we can add you!

I feel like I have neglected not only our adoption friends, but the adoption voice. I need to fight more for the abandoned, here in America, and elsewhere!
If you can't afford the cost of adopting overseas, become a foster parent. This is what I'm seriously leaning towards. If a child is removed from a home, or in a hospital, and they have no foster home for them to go to, they go to a group home. There are far too many children, and too few home's available for them.

But let's not forget our already forgotten children overseas. For those that are against international adoption, I can only quote a commentor from another blog.

"God didn't create borders, humans created borders!"

That is so true, we are all Gods children, and if you think this is acceptable, something is seriously wrong with you!

Pictures courtesy google

Participate in families fundraisers. A few dollars here and there, sacrifice that Starbucks for one day!

The many amazing families that adopt multiple children will tell you...once you save one life, and see the change it has made, it's hard not to want to go back and do it again!

I've got such a great little helper.....uh, most of the time!


  1. I was a foster parent for 6 years and two of our adopted children were in our home has foster children. I'd highly recommend it. Wish we could adopt more. Our age says no, our hearts say yes!! Hugs

  2. You are amazing Lacey! I LOVE that picture of that mom holding up that sweet baby!!!
    can you direct me to the iPad for kids with disabilities website? My cousin has a daughter who its deaf and she its very interested in digital stuff. I told her I would ask you.
    My adoption blog is
    Hope you are having a good day. :-)

  3. Great post as usual! I love to see Arina helping out so much. I cannot believe how big she is getting. I love her hair!!!! Grace's got cut today...I am trying not to cry and trying to stay positive. :-) Becoming a foster parent is a great idea! Hope CA is treating you well!

  4. I can't get over how long her hair is!!! I would love to adopt! Can't wait until I am healthy enough to qualify!
