
Monday, February 20, 2012

quicky but goody

Quick post, its been super busy around here. We went to San Diego for the weekend, to use our free passes from GKTW.
It was a hard weekend because Jax is not sleeping at all. I was emailing the neuro from the San Diego zoo, to try and get a different sleep med called in. We are trying ambien, but I'm not sure if he's having adverse reactions to it. One night he still woke up at 4:30, this morning he slept until 7. But when I first give it, about 5 minutes after, its like it sends him into a seizure. He seizes for quite a while! One time I thought he was asleep, only to find him wide awake, seizing!
He was super junky all weekend. He hasn't been able to go without robinol almost since we moved! It can almost ruin a fun outing when you are constantly suctioning.
Today he had a huge retching spell and I know he aspirated. He went white as a ghost and passed out in sleep. Classic Jax small aspiration. I'm tired of docs not listening to me, its beyond frustrating!

It was just a reminder of the life we will always have with Jax. Sometimes I think it sucks so bad, and then I get pictures like this, and remember how much I love this little man, and how I can't live without him!

His cheetah growl!

To be continued....


  1. These pictures are great! It's so nice to see J up and so sociable and happy! He looks great. He looks like he's feeling great and her looks so happy! Yay!

  2. Sweet love. Hate the seizures. Just hate it for him.

    Ambien is hard core for some.It is a pretty strong med and maybe his precious brain just can't handle it. I know MINE certainly couldn't when I took it.

    but the pictures, those, those are beautiful and yes, almost make the other stuff float away. I wish it were that simple, don't you?

  3. What gorgeous pictures - love them!

  4. I ADORE those pics of Jax!! Best ever!!!

  5. love, love these pics of Jax, such a sweet guy. Sure hope you can figure out the sleep issues, ugh we have been fighting them as well.

  6. Best pics I have seen of Jax, they are adorable!

  7. That last picture, melted me. <3

    As for the Ambien, I found this ...
    Ambien works with a natural brain chemical called GABA, one of at least 18 major brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. The theory is that once GABA is released from a brain cell, it dampens the electrical activity of neighboring brain cells. Ambien and GABA then work together to reduce the possibility of certain brain cells becoming electrically active. Ambien is not chemically related to many older sleep drugs that work with GABA. Laboratory studies have shown that unlike these older sleep drugs, Ambien targets a specific area of the brain cell.

  8. So sorry about the sleep issues. But oh, those photos, that smile!!!!

  9. Maybe he is reacting to an inactive ingredient in Ambien. I know when I am prescribed a new med of any sort I always go to to look up the med. Nine times out of ten I cannot have the med because I would react to the inactive ingredients.

  10. Love the pictures of sweet love bug! Oh I'd be chewing those cute cheeks!
